4 Conclusions
4 Conclusions
The proposed A68 WS2+1 scheme improvement will reduce journey times and driver stress while increasing traffic safety through the incorporation of dedicated overtaking opportunities in both southbound and northbound directions. Improved driver visibility will also result from the straightening and widening of the road and improved junctions will reduce the risk of road traffic accidents.
The design of the proposed scheme is the culmination of several years of feasibility studies, development and assessment of alternative options and of refining of the chosen alignment to ensure that all potential adverse impacts on the environment are minimised during design. Further reduction in impacts will be possible during construction of the scheme through the use of best practice and a range of specific mitigation measures.
The key areas raised by specific consultees and identified as the main issues are cultural heritage (archaeological evaluation / trial trenches), ecology (River Tweed SAC / SSSI and associated features of interest; habitat preservation and the protection of woodland), water quality (pollution during construction and degradation), geology and soils (importation of fill material) and community effects (particularly the closing of the C83 to Oxton). Following the environmental impact assessment it has been concluded that with the implementation of a comprehensive suite of mitigation measures designed to avoid or minimise potential impacts the proposed scheme will not have a permanent significant impact on any of the environmental topics assessed.