1.1 Local Planning Policy
1.1 Local Planning Policy
The Dumfries and Galloway Structure Plan (Dumfries and Galloway Council, 1999) contains policies relating to ecology and nature conservation.
Policy E6
Policy E6 (Conservation of Habitats and Species) of the Structure Plan states that "when assessing development proposals, the Council will seek to ensure that the impact on any habitat which is valued for its nature conservation interests is fully considered. Particular attention will be given to those habitats and species which are identified in Circular 6/1995 , but which do not fall within the boundaries of national or international nature conservation designations."
The Adopted Annandale and Eskdale Local Plan (Dumfries and Galloway Council, 2006) contains policies relating to ecology and nature conservation.
General Policy 46 (Nature Conservation Sites of Local Importance) of the Local Plan states that "development proposals which are likely to affect the sites identified by the Council as Nature Conservation Sites of Local Importance will be considered against Structure Plan Policy E6."