Covering Letter

Covering Letter

Your ref:
Our ref: 20061208_beckyhillcovlet_msp.doc

Rebecca Hill
Mouchel Parkman
93 Water Lane
LS11 5QN

13 June 2008

Dear Rebecca

Data enquiry for Carrutherstown area

As you requested, I have carried out a data search for species records held by the Dumfries and Galloway Environmental Resources Centre which fall within the study site. The study site was defined as using the map provided and a buffer of 1km added as requested. Information on these species records, along with maps showing broad habitat types/protected sites etc. for the area, have been sent by email. A copy of the Local Wildlife Site report for Kelhead Flow accompanies this letter.

As you will be aware from the metadata provided previously, and given that the Centre is still in its infancy, our records at present are still incomplete for many species and species groups. We have very little information, for example, on Badgers, birds and bats. I would therefore recommend you contact other people to find out further information, in particular the local SNH office who you have no doubt already been in touch with. The County Bird Recorder (Paul Collin) and Pete Dale (representative for local badger group) may also be useful contacts.

Please note that release of these data is in accordance with the terms and conditions of data release included with the Data Enquiry Form, and that permission to use the data expires after six months.

Finally, the Environmental Resources Centre would be very pleased to receive copies of any reports/records resultant from your any fieldwork undertaken part of this project when these are publicly available (as is outlined in the IEEM best practice guidelines) to enable this information to be made readily available for other purposes such as updating the Local Biodiversity Action Plan.  Due to its large size and small population, Dumfries and Galloway suffers from under-recording of many species and the information from such studies can be valuable in helping with local atlas work etc.  I hope you and your client will be able to contribute information to the Centre.

An invoice will be sent out shortly. Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any further information.

Yours sincerely

Mark Pollitt
DGERC Manager