APPENDIX H Environmental Impacts Tables

APPENDIX H Environmental Impacts Tables

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Topic Area

Proposed Scheme

Do Nothing

Description of Predicted Impact

Geographical Level of Impact

Mitigation Measures

Residual Effects


Likely Effects




Cultural Heritage

Predicted indirect impact on all scheduled archaeological features immediately north of the existing A75 due to the realignment. This includes Whitecroftgate (DG7081) (regional) and Braehill Archaeological Consultation zone (inc. DG7094 and DG7095) (national).





Not Significant

The new carriageway will be moved away from the features

No change.

Temporary removal of undesignated milestone in the southern verge of the existing road.




Not Significant

There would be no material impact on the feature, its precise location not being the principal interest in the feature, rather its association with the history of the trunk road corridor and modifications to the corridor over time.

No change.

Potential impacts on unknown archaeological resources that may survive in the area; especially in the vicinity of Braehill.




HS has indicated that a field walkover survey should be undertaken. The requirement for any further intrusive investigation would be determined by the initial walkover survey and sampling



No change

Localised modification to the existing A75 some 0.6 km north west of the westernmost boundary of the Kinmount House Designed Landscape




Not Significant

There would be no discernable change in the relationship between the trunk road and the designed landscape and no impact on its character or setting.

No change

Ecology & Nature Conservation

Unlikely potential for an associated ecological impact from pollution-laden runoff into watercourses.



Discharges would be controlled and the runoff intercepted and treated through the use of three balancing ponds, which will contain reed beds

Not Significant

The drainage design is integral to the scheme proposals.

Potential decrease in water quality due to high traffic volumes travelling along the existing A75.

Permanent loss of habitat from the land use requirements to build the new road section.



Creation of hedgerows, woodland scrub and verges as part of the planting proposals

Not Significant

New planting will be more extensive than the loss. The planting will reopen wildlife corridors and create new ones. Whilst encouraging local species to grow.

No change.

Permanent loss of woodland, plantation and watercourse habitat from the land use requirements to build the new road section. Total loss in the region of 2ha.



Creation of hedgerows, woodland scrub and verges as part of the planting proposals

Not Significant

New planting will be more extensive than the loss. The planting will reopen wildlife corridors and create new ones. Whilst encouraging local species to grow.

No change.

Impacts on otters and badgers.



Provision of underpasses/crossings

The introduction of a 5km of wire fence to keep badgers and otters from entering the roadway. Installation of underpasses for mammals.

Not Significant

The mitigation principle are in accordance with recommendations of the DMRB

Continued risk of road-kill.

Impacts on birds and barn owls during operational phases.



Pre-clearance survey to check for active nesting within breeding season where operational maintenance works occur. Where possible broad-leaved hedgerows will be planted.

Not Significant

The pre-clearance survey will be in place before construction starts and during the phase and be completed by a qualified ornithologist.

Continued risk of collisions.

Landscape Effects

Impacts on character due to introduction of second road corridor, loss of part of Braemoss Wood and elevation of the central section of the new alignment for the U81a overpass.




Mounding varying in height from 1.0 to 2.5 m would be provided along the main section of carriageway.

The planting proposals involve the use of dense scrub planting, stands of intermittent trees and hedgerows. In addition, 3,200 m of newly established roadside verge will be seeded with a native species-rich grassland mix of local provenance, where possible.

Locally- Significant (moderate/slight and adverse).

Regionally - Significant (slight/ negligible and adverse).

Design year impacts shown.

No change.

Eighty properties within the visual envelope have been assessed as being subject to potential visual impact. 17 of these properties are assessed as resulting in a moderate to major impact.



Opening Year

15 properties moderate adverse

1 – major adverse)

Design Year – 1 property moderate/slight adverse)

Both opening and design year impacts during winter.

No change

Visual Impact - Roads



Landscaping scheme to screen new road from existing local roads

Excavated soils will be re-used for landscape mitigation.

Retained A75 – moderate /major beneficial

Other local roads - negligible

Assumes 15 years establishment.

No change

Land Use

Agricultural land-take (18.1 hectares, 4.4 ha prime land)




None proposed

Not Significant

Very small extent in context of national or regional resource

No change

Impact on agricultural holdings (land take and severance)



New access track off B725 for Fostermeadow

Significant (Slight Negative)

Percentage loss for any one holding 2–4%.

Provision of segregated crossing of new A75 and U81a would improve access for holdings south of the trunk road corridor.

Access from Topmuir Farm to trunk road would be retained

No change

Private Property – demolition of Stenriesgate



None proposed

Significant (Major Negative)

Compensation in accordance with statutory procedures.

No change

Woodland Loss



See Ecology Section

Pedestrians/ Cyclists/Equestrian and Community Effects





Significant (Slight Beneficial)

Retention of existing trunk road as a local road and segregation of the crossing of the A75 and the U81a would improve local access and provide opportunity for enhanced use by non-motorised users.

No change.







Significant (Major Beneficial)

No change.

Vehicle Travellers




None proposed

Not Significant

Existing driver views are considered moderate with the effects of the new scheme considered minor.

No change

Driver Stress



None proposed

Significant (Minor Beneficial)

There would be no measured change in driver stress levels however; the overtaking opportunities and improved accesses provide some relief to driver stress.

Potential increases in existing stress levels.

Water Quality & Drainage

Surface Water Quality (Pow Water & tributaries)



Inclusion of filter strips in the roadside verges that carry the water to balancing ponds containing reed beds in the vicinity of the U81 and north of the trunk road near Upper Mains prior to discharge to local watercourses. Balancing ponds will regulate flows.

Not Significant

The existing road has no such provision

No change

Surface Water Discharge (Hardgrove Burn & Glen Burn)



Not Significant

Potential impact with traffic increases.




Not Significant

No change

Plans & Policies

Regional and local transport and environmental policies.




None Proposed

Neutral - Positive


No change

National policies and objectives



None proposed

Neutral - positive


No change

Disruption Due to Construction

Topic Area

Proposed Scheme

Do Nothing

Description of Predicted Impact

Geographical Level of Impact






Likely Effects




Air Quality

Increases in airborne dust.



Appropriate storage, covering and dampening of on-site materials and materials in transit.

Significant (Slight negative)

Implemented via cEMP

No change.

Ecology and Nature Conservation

Potential pollution to aquatic and terrestrial habitats leading to adverse impacts on protected fauna and flora.



Work to be undertaken in accordance with SEPA Pollution Prevention Guidelines and associated best practice.

Significant (Slight/ Moderate Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Impacts on birds and barn owls during construction phases.



Pre-clearance survey to check for active nesting within breeding season where construction works are occurring notably where clearance is required.

Not Significant

The pre-clearance survey will be in place before construction starts and during the phase and be completed by a qualified ornithologist.

Continued risk of collisions.

Open culverts, open trenches and exposed pipes could trap mammals, badgers and otters.



Cap and check all exposed culverts, pipelines and exposed works for trapped mammals.

Open trenches and holes to have regular sloping exits.

Significant (Slight/



Temporary impact.

No change.

Increased road kills.



Species protection plan as part of cEMP

Significant (Slight/ Moderate Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Landscape Effects

Visual intrusion from construction activities, temporary accommodation works and temporary floodlighting.



Timing regulations will be included within the cEMP to ensure these impacts occur within standard hours. Any dispensations outside of the standard hours will be sought from the council.

Significant (Major Negative)

Temporary impact.

For specific properties the duration of the impact would vary with the phasing f the works over the anticipated 52 week construction period

No change.

Land Use

Closure of access points along the A75 will cause access restrictions to properties and farmland.



Provision of designated temporary access points.

Significant (Slight/ Moderate Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Noise and Vibration

Increased noise and vibration caused by plant and machinery.



Noise management plan to be agreed with regional council and implemented as part of the cEMP.

Significant (Slight / moderate Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Pedestrians, Cyclists, Equestrians & Community Effects

Disruption to casual and infrequent pedestrians, cyclists and equestrians.



Provision of temporary access where required.

Significant (Slight Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Vehicle Travellers

Increases in driver stress due to disruption of traffic flows and increased congestion.



Installation of advanced warning signs of road works.

Significant (Slight/ Moderate Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Water Quality & Drainage

Sedimentation and contamination of watercourses



Work to be undertaken in accordance with SEPA pollution prevention guidelines.

Significant (Slight Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.

Geology and Soils

Loss of soil structure and quality during earthworks



Handling and storage to minimise compaction and weed seed infestation

Significant (Slight Negative)

Temporary impact.

No change.