1. Specifically, the insertion were covered by Part III of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 1999 (‘the 1999 Regulations’) with a further amendment by Part III of the Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations 2006 (‘the 2006 Regulations’). As such, EIA is implemented through Sections 20A, 20B, 55A and 151 along with Schedule 1 of The 1984 Act. The amendments to the 1984 Act implement Council Directive 85/337/EEC and Article 3 of Council Directive 2003/35/EC in so far as it applies to trunk road development.
2. The Proposed Scheme exceeds the threshold criteria in the Roads (Scotland) Act 1984 (as amended) in that it would require works over an area in excess of 1ha. Taking this, combined with the fact that the Proposed Scheme is located within sensitive environs, it was determined through the screening process that the Proposed Scheme is subject to the requirements of a full EIA.
3. This is a term used to refer to the standardisation of the carriageway width, signing and lining strategy. The ultimate goal is to have the entire length of a carriageway the same standard (or level of service) so as to avoid driver confusion from differing standards.
4. Halcrow (1999) A75 Gretna to Stranraer Route Action Plan Study – Firm Strategy Report
5. Mouchel Parkman (2003), A75 Hardgrove to Kinmount Stage 2 Environmental Assessment Report.
6. Development Control: Planning for Air Quality: Updated guidance from the NSCA on dealing with air quality concerns within the development control process, 2006 Update – NSCA.
7. Essentially, there is little choice but to restrict access during the tie-in periods. Mutually acceptable terms will be arranged between the contractor and landowners so as not to disrupt essential movements; such as milk-tanker pick-ups. The exception will be emergency vehicle access that will be allowed at all times.
8. Old rubbish pits
10. Whithorn First in Scotlands Past:
11. (
12. (
13. Holt is the term used for otter resting places and breeding sites.
14. (
15. In Scotland, ancient woodland sites are strictly those shown as semi-natural woodland on the "Roy" maps (SNH, 1997); a 1750 military survey and the best source of historical map evidence, and as woodland on all subsequent maps. However, they have been combined with long-established woods of semi-natural origin (originating from between 1750 and 1860) into a single category of ancient woodland to take account of uncertainties in compilation of the ancient woodland inventory (
16. This grid-reference represents the point at which the Proposed Scheme will cross each watercourse.
18. e.g. live or dead animals, feeding remains or dreys, within the survey area
19. The visual envelope (Zone of Visual Influence, ZVI) for the Proposed Scheme represents the area over which receptors (viewers) might be able to fully/partially see the Proposed Scheme.
20. Bibby, J.S., Douglas, H.A., Thomasson, A.J., & Robertson, J.S. (1982) Land Capability Classification for Agriculture, the Macaulay Institute, Aberdeen. The classification provides for seven grades of land based on its agricultural, forestry and recreational potential. The methodology considers climate, gradient, soil, wetness, erosion and pattern.
21. The identification of land capable for general agricultural uses in Scotland is based on a seven class system. This system seeks to identify areas where certain uses, such as agriculture, forestry or recreation, may be carried out most easily. The methodology considers climate, gradient, soil, wetness, erosion and pattern.
22. No moderate or large beneficial impacts were identified during the assessment.
23. Relevant responses are provided in Appendix B.
24. The new route adds 275 m to the journey length; thus in total any round-trip to Carrutherstown is extended by approximately 0.5 km.
25. The provided traffic data for the worst-case year represent 18-hour two-way Average Annual Weekly Traffic (AAWT) flows. They have been used to provide an average hourly flow, which includes the peak periods.
26. Traffic flows are recorded for the 15-year post opening (the design year). This is the average 18-hour AAWT flow of 18231 across the 3.6 km section. This comprises a 19.7% HGV component (see Appendix C). Therefore, the number of units is ((1013*19.7%)*3) + (1013-(1013*19.8%)) = 1412 units. Therefore, the flow per lane is 706.
27. CIRIIA Report 14 on Highways Pollutants (1994)
28. The dilution potential is expressed as the river flow during low flow conditions divided by the flow from the road during a typical storm.
29. Traffic flow may be based on actual counts or predicted levels of use.
30. Introduced through Part IIA of the Environmental Protection Act (1990).
31. The table is an abstract from Table 5.3, Part 10, Volume 11 of the DMRB.
32. The table is an abstract from Table 5.4, Part 10, Volume 11 of the DMRB.
33. The table replicates Table 5.5, Part 10, Volume 11 of the DMRB
34. The average AADT for the opening year along the 3.6 km section is 15380 with an average %HGV component of 18.6%. The U81a average AADT is 129 and a 4.6% HGV component.
35. A clay-rich fossil soil
36. An impure sandstone consisting of rock fragments and grains of quartz and feldspar in a matrix of clay-sized particles.
37. These are regional maps taken from
38. This is the screening criterion presented in DMRB Volume 11, Section 3, Part 7 as representing the distance beyond which the varying effects of wind and temperature render forecasting difficult in more circumstances.
39. As part of an interim assessment various noise calculations were produced in accordance with the CRTN methods in relation to key properties local to the Proposed Scheme.