Footnotes for Annex C Collated Mitigation
Footnotes for Annex C Collated Mitigation
1. For example see Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, Good Practice Guide for Handling Soils
2. Current list of relevant guidance available at: SEPA website
3. CIRIA, Control of Water Pollution from Linear Construction Projects, Technical guidance (C648)
4. Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) are drainage methods which are based on natural processes to achieve attenuation of run-off water quality and quantity. Guidance on SUDS systems is available from SEPA, CIRIA etc (see relevant web links)
5. Scottish Planning Policy 7: Planning and Flooding
6. SEPA Technical Flood Risk Guidance For Stakeholders Version 3
7. Where proposals have potential to affect European protected species a licence must be obtained from the Scottish Executive as described in European Protected Species, Development and the Planning System. Interim guidance for Local Authorities in licensing arrangements. October 2002, SEERAD
8. Further mitigation relating to water and drainage is contained in Section 9.8
9. Additional species of willow found locally may be added to this list