What happens next?
Key site activities, including detailed ground investigation and ecological surveys will continue throughout the summer to inform the on-going assessment.
Transport Scotland and its consultant AWJV will continue to develop the preferred route and look for opportunities to deliver the permanent, long- term solution as quickly as possible.
The next stage is the DMRB Stage 3 assessment which will conclude with the publication of draft Road Orders and an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
The Road Orders provide the statutory authority to construct new roads and to improve and maintain Scotland’s roads. The Compulsory Purchase Order will define the extent of land required to construct, operate and maintain the scheme.
The next stage of the assessment process will include:
- Further detailed ground investigation.
- Design development and refinement of the preferred route, including opportunities to reduce disruption during construction.
- Further consultation with affected parties, statutory bodies, the A83 Task Force, community councils and other relevant interest groups.
- Design development of sustainable travel facilities including bus, walking, cycling, wheeling and horse-riding facilities.
- Environmental surveys.
- Identification of the land required for the scheme and preparation of draft Orders.
- Environmental assessment of the developed preferred route and preparation of an Environmental Impact Assessment Report.
- Development of suitable mitigation measures to reduce impacts on the environment.