A9 Co-Creative Process
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Transport Scotland, in partnership with the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group, undertook an A9 Co-Creative Process in 2018. This involved the community suggesting ideas for the A9 Dualling for the Pass of Birnam to Tay Crossing project and concluded with the identification of the Community’s Preferred Route Option (CRPO). The process was open to everyone, and the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group has been involved in each stage of the process.
The Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group identified the following community objectives for this section of the A9 Dualling Programme:
- Reduce current levels of noise and pollution in the villages of Dunkeld, Birnam and Inver to protect human health, and well-being of residents and visitors and to enable them to peacefully enjoy their properties and amenity spaces.
- Protect and enhance the scenic beauty and natural heritage of the area and its distinctive character and quality.
- Provide better, safer access on and off the A9 from both sides of the road ensuring easy, safe movement of vehicular traffic and non-motorised users through the villages, helping to reduce stress and anxiety and support the local economy.
- Promote long term and sustainable economic growth within Dunkeld and Birnam and the surrounding communities.
- Examine and identify opportunities to enhance the levels of wheeling, cycling and walking for transport and leisure, including the improvement of existing footpaths and cycle ways, to promote positive mental health and well-being.
- Ensure that all local bus, intercity bus services and train services are maintained and improved.
- Preserve and enhance the integrity of the unique and rich historical and cultural features of the Dunkeld, Birnam and Inver communities, thereby supporting well-being and the local economy.
The A9 Co-Creative Process culminated in the identification of the CPRO which was presented at a public consultation in March 2019 along with the outcome of initial assessment work. That assessment work identified a number of challenges, many of which are difficult to mitigate. As well as the CRPO, we assessed three Additional Whole Route Options to ensure that the ultimate decision on the Preferred Route was robust and fully considered all options available. As part of the design of the A9 Co-Creative Process, it was agreed with the Birnam to Ballinluig A9 Community Group that the CPRO and any additional comparator options would be subject to our usual assessment process.