How the A9 Co-Creative Process informed the Preferred Route

The Preferred Route includes a number of key design characteristics voted through the A9 Co-Creative Process and also comprises several elements of the Community's Preferred Route Option (CPRO). A summary of this is provided below:

  • The grade separated junction at Birnam was based on the community’s close second choice junction option. In order to minimise the impact on Perth Road, due to increased volume of traffic, a northbound merge slip road has been incorporated within the Birnam Junction design.
  • The at-grade roundabout at Dunkeld was the community’s first choice junction option.
  • The left-in left-out junction at the Hermitage was the community’s first choice junction option.
  • The grade separated junction at Dalguise was the community’s first choice junction option.
  • One of the key aspirations through the A9 Co-Creative Process was to improve connectivity to the Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station. The railway station will be accessible from Birnam via Station Road. A new replacement car park will have provision for both public transport and active travel facilities. A new pedestrian underpass, incorporating stairs and a lift, will provide a link for pedestrians from the car park to the railway station building and platform.