Plan of the Preferred Route
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Murthly Castle Estate Access
An underbridge connects the existing private access to Murthly Castle to the B867.
Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station
The A9 route is generally at-grade (same level as existing) and stays at the current surface level past Dunkeld & Birnam Railway Station. The railway station will be accessible from Birnam via Station Road. The new replacement car park will have provision for both public transport and active travel facilities. A new pedestrian underpass, incorporating stairs and a lift, will provide a link for pedestrians from the car park to the railway station building and platform.
The Hermitage
Left-in left-out junction on the northbound carriageway.
Dalguise Junction
Grade separated junction south of the existing junction with the B898. Entry and exit slip roads in the northbound direction and entry and exit slip roads in the southbound direction, facilitating all vehicle movements. Realigned B898 crosses the A9 on an underbridge, connecting to a roundabout on the east of the A9, which also connects to the southbound slip roads.
Birnam Junction
Grade separated junction in the locality of the existing Birnam Junction. Entry and exit slip roads in the northbound direction and an entry slip road in the southbound direction, with no southbound exit slip road. B867 and Perth Road connected, crossing the A9 via an underbridge.
Dunkeld Junction
At-grade roundabout in the locality of the existing junction at Dunkeld, including a segregated left lane between the A923 and A9 (south). Provides connections to the A9 (north and south), A923, A822 and road to Inver.