The Assessment Process
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We are following the normal trunk road scheme development process and progressing the scheme in accordance with guidance in the Design Manual for Roads and Bridges (DMRB). This is a three-stage assessment process which covers engineering, environment (which includes climate change, communities and human health), traffic and economic considerations.
In total, four Whole Route Options were comparatively assessed at DMRB Stage 2 in order to identify the Preferred Route. A full copy of the DMRB Stage 2 report is available on our Story Map.
DMRB Process
DMRB Stage 1
A9 Preliminary Engineering Study and Strategic Environmental Assessment - identification of broad improvement strategies.
DMRB Stage 2
Route option assessment and identification of preferred option.
Co-Creative Process
Identification of the community's preferred option.
DMRB Stage 3
Development and assessment of preferred option.
Statutory Process
Publication of draft Road Orders, Compulsory Purchase Order (CPO) and Environmental Impact Assessment Public Local Inquiry (if required).
After this is Procurement, then Construction.