A9 Dualling Programme Strategic Environmental Assessment Non-Technical Summary

A9 Dualling Programme SEA - Key Facts

A9 Dualling Programme SEA - Key Facts
Responsible Authority Transport Scotland - MTRIPS Directorate
PPS Title A9 Dualling Programme
What prompted the PPS Commitment to complete A9 dualling by 2025 made through the Government's Infrastructure Investment Plan, December 2011
PPS Subject Transport Infrastructure
Period covered by PPS Delivery programme to target completion by 2025
Frequency of updates Live programme - ongoing review
Area covered by PPS The A9 corridor between Perth and Inverness
Purpose and/ or objectives of PPS The A9 Dualling Programme aims to:

1. Improve the operational performance of the A9 by:
  • Reducing journey times
  • Improving journey time reliability
2. Improve safety for motorised and non-motorised users by:
  • Reducing accident severity
  • Reducing driver stress
3. Facilitate active travel in the corridor

Improve integration with Public Transport Facilities

Deliver completion by 2025
Contact points Yvette Sheppard
Transport Scotland, Environment & Sustainability Manager
Tel: 0141 272 7956
Email: Yvette.Sheppard@transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk

John Fox,
Halcrow, SEA Technical Lead
Tel: 0141 404 2090
Email: foxj@halcrow.com