A9 Dualling Programme Strategic Environmental Assessment Non-Technical Summary

6. Shortlisted Options

Each of the shortlisted corridor options lie within the original 1km area for which GIS data was mapped. An overview of the six A9 corridor sections (labelled A-F), identifying the relevant stretches of the route within each, is provided below and in Figure 4.

Shortlisted Options
Section Description Km
A Perth (Inveralmond) to south of Tay Crossing (north of Dunkeld) ~ 22
B Tay Crossing to Bruar ~ 35
C Bruar to Dalwhinnie ~ 29
D Dalwhinnie to Newtonmore ~ 14
E Newtonmore to Kinveachy
(south of Carrbridge)
~ 34
F Kinveachy to Inverness ~ 39

Within each section, the online corridor is referred to as Option 1 (i.e. online in section B is described as Option B1).

The options that were selected for further consideration through SEA included:

  • The online corridor option, divided into six sections (Options A1, B1, C1…F1);
  • Near offline Option A6 in Section A;
  • Near offline Options B2, B4 and B5 in Section B.

Figures 5 and 6 provide example GIS screenshot images, outlining the online and near offline options to be considered in Sections A and B.

Each option is presented as a corridor through a range of environmental constraints.

Appendix D to the Environmental Report provides a full range of GIS constraint maps for each corridor section, including the near offline options in Sections A and B.

Figure 4 Overview of six Corridor Sections A-F

Figure 4 Overview of six Corridor Sections A-F

The detailed assessments presented in the Environmental Report focus on identifying the issues/ features, across a range of SEA topics, within a nominal 200m boundary around each corridor option.

The following sections of this document provide an overview of the considerations and findings under each SEA topic included in the assessment.

Figure 5 Overview of Online and Near Offline Corridor Options (A9 Section A)

Figure 5 Overview of Online and Near Offline Corridor Options (A9 Section A)

Figure 6 Overview of Online and Near Offline Corridor Options (A9 Section B)

Figure 6 Overview of Online and Near Offline Corridor Options (A9 Section B)