A9 Dualling Programme Strategic Environmental Assessment Non-Technical Summary
16. Next Steps
Environmental Report Consultation Period
To help maintain progress on the wider A9 dualling delivery programme, an 8-week consultation period has been agreed for this Environmental Report.
The consultation period will therefore close on Friday 26th July 2013.
Key aspects for feedback should relate to the findings and recommendations of the SEA assessment, particularly any areas where respondents feel that the SEA may have omitted important factors.
Written feedback is welcomed and should be addressed to:
Yvette Sheppard
Environment and Sustainability Manager
Buchanan House
58 Port Dundas Road
G4 0HF
Email: Yvette.Sheppard@transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk
Statutory consultees should respond via the Scottish Government SEA Gateway.
Public Consultation Events
A series of A9 dualling public consultation events are planned between Monday 3rd June and Friday 14th June, where representatives of the A9 dualling programme SEA team will be available to discuss the issues covered by this Environmental Report.
Consultation Feedback Review
Following the closing date of the Environmental Report consultation period, all written feedback will be collated to inform a final review of the SEA findings and recommendations.
A record of feedback and how it has been taken into consideration will be documented in the SEA Post Adoption Statement.
Post Adoption Statement & Finalised Monitoring Framework
SEA legislation requires the publication of a SEA Post Adoption Statement (PAS) which must include any revised recommendations and a finalised SEA monitoring framework.
The PAS document must also include a record of consultation and a description of how the SEA process has improved the final plan or programme.
The current target for delivery of the Post Adoption Statement is October 2013.