Annex A

Annex A

1. The National Walking Strategy, published in 2014, has as its vision: “A Scotland where everyone benefits from walking as part of their everyday journeys, enjoys walking in the outdoors and where places are well designed to encourage walking.” It is underpinned by three strategic objectives.

  • Create a culture of walking where everyone walks more often as part of their everyday travel and for recreation and wellbeing.
  • Better quality walking environments with attractive, well designed and managed built and natural spaces for everyone.
  • Enable easy, convenient and safe independent mobility for everyone.

2. The first Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) was published in 2010 and then refreshed in 2013 and 2017. A new Cycling Strategy will be produced for beyond 2020 with this document as its measurement framework.

3. The Active Scotland Outcomes Framework describes Scotland’s ambitions for sport and physical activity. Its vision is of a Scotland where more people are more active, more often, and it is framed around 6 key outcomes.

  • We encourage an enable the inactive to be more active.
  • We encourage and enable the active to stay active throughout life.
  • We develop physical confidence and competence from the earliest age.
  • We improve our active infrastructure – people and places.
  • We support wellbeing and resilience in communities through physical activity and sport.
  • We improve opportunities to participate, progress and achieve in sport.

4. The Climate Change Plan

The Climate Change Plan sets out the Scottish Government’s proposals and policies for meeting its climate change targets. It sets out how Scotland can deliver its target of 66% emissions reductions, relative to the baseline, for the period 2018–2032.

The Plan is comprised of three parts, with Part One of most relevance to walking and cycling as it sets out the context for the Scottish Government’s climate change proposals and policies. It shows the emissions reductions pathway to 2032 and the crucial roles that will be played by local authorities and the wider public sector (and the planning system), communities and individuals; and describes the wider impacts of climate change policies along with the changes in behaviour required to reach decarbonisation goals.

5. The Scottish Government’s National Performance Framework (NPF) sets out a range of national level outcomes which will contribute to its overall vision and purpose. Many of these are relevant to travel and the walking and cycling agenda. As such, the work undertaken through the Active Travel Framework is expected to feed into the following National Outcomes.

  • We live in communities that are inclusive, empowered, resilient and safe.
  • We value, enjoy, protect and enhance our environment.
  • We are healthy and active.

6. The Fairer Scotland Action Plan is the Scottish Government’s first response to the Fairer Scotland conversation and a range of wider sources. It outlines 50 actions to help tackle poverty, reduce inequality and build a fairer and more inclusive Scotland. If focuses on five key ambitions for 2030.

  • A fairer Scotland for all
  • Ending child poverty
  • A strong start for all young people
  • Fairer working lives
  • A thriving third age

The Fairer Scotland Duty, which came into effect in April 2018, places a legal responsibility on particular public bodies in Scotland to actively consider (‘pay due regard’ to) how they can reduce inequalities of outcome caused by socio-economic disadvantage, when making strategic decisions.

7. The Road Safety Framework sets out the current framework for improving road safety in Scotland until 2020. It describes the road safety vision for Scotland, aims and commitments, and the Scottish targets for reductions in road deaths and serious injuries by 2020.

The framework sets out a number of targets, as well as commitment, priorities and issues to address. Vulnerable road users are a focus for the framework and will continue to be so when the framework is refreshed to focus beyond 2020.

8. The National Planning Framework (NPF) sets the context for development planning in Scotland and provides a framework for the spatial development of Scotland as a whole.

The Key Planning outcomes for Scotland are:

  • a successful sustainable place – supporting economic growth, regeneration and the creation of well-designed places;
  • a low carbon place – reducing our carbon emissions and adapting to climate change;
  • a natural resilient place – helping to protect and enhance our natural cultural assets and facilitating their sustainable use; and
  • a connected place – supporting better transport and digital connectivity.

9. The National Transport Strategy (NTS) 2 sets out as its vision of having a sustainable, inclusive and accessible transport system, helping deliver a healthier, fairer and more prosperous Scotland for visitors, communities and businesses.

The NTS sets out four priority themes and associated outcomes. These are:

Reduces Inequalities

  • We will provide fair access to services we need
  • Will be easy to use for all
  • Will be affordable to use for all

Takes Climate Action

  • Will adapt to the effects of climate change
  • Will help deliver our net-zero target
  • Will promote greener, cleaner choices

Helps Our Economy Prosper

  • Will get us where we need to get to
  • Will be reliable, efficient and high quality
  • Will use beneficial innovation

Improves Our Health and Wellbeing

  • Will be safe and secure for all
  • Will enable us to make healthy travel choices
  • Will help make our communities great places to live