Annex B: Indicators that lack consistent data
10. Level of inclusion of active travel in local development plans
In 2020-21, Sustrans inquired among the active Strategic Partnerships partner organisations whether they had an Active Travel Strategy, either a freestanding one or as a part of a wider transport strategy. All six local authority partners and three Regional Transport Partnerships that Sustrans received data from reported having an Active Travel Strategy. Many also highlighted having strategic route and network proposals, and ‘active travel masterplans’. However, Sustrans did not ask specifically about Local Development Plans. Likewise, their sample was quite small and limited to active Strategic Partnerships partners at that time. No additional sources of information for this indicator have been identified.
12. Perception of community involvement in walking, cycling, and wheeling initiatives
Sustrans provided Transport Scotland with some examples where aspects of this indicator are inquired about within specific programmes. For instance, in 2017, questions on community involvement were added to monitoring and evaluation of the Places for Everyone initiative. As a part of the evaluation, postal surveys were sent out in sample areas to examine whether communities are proactively engaged in project development and decision making. Some of the questions that were asked assessed the participants’ knowledge on the project, extent of their agreement with the proposals to improve the walking, cycling and wheeling (e.g. wheelchair) infrastructure in the respective city, and the extent to which the individuals felt that the proposed changes to the routes would impact their access to local services, access to city centre, tourism, sense of community, feelings of safety, as well as links to local routes. Findings for the Dalgety Bay to Inverkeithing High School project area indicate that, before delivery of the programme, 51% of people agreed that it met the needs of the community. This percentage rose to 75% after project delivery (Sustrans (2022). Places for Everyone 2020-21 Impact Report, SUSR1999. Sustrans: Scotland).
Furthermore, a survey of 388 local residents found that 73% of respondents felt they knew at least a little about the Walk, Cycle, Live Stirling project in 2021. In the same survey, 73% of respondents felt the views of the community had been considered to some extent. Likewise, when inquiring about the project in the Highlands, Inverness city and active travel network, a survey of 438 local residents found that 63% felt they knew at least a little about it, while 58% felt that community views had been considered at least a little.