Biographical information on respondents

The main consultation asked respondents six questions about themselves and their use of the ferry network.

Which statement best describes your living situation?

Table 2: Living situation of individual respondents
Respondent I live on a Scottish island or peninsula the majority of the time I live on the mainland the majority of the time Prefer not to say Total
Individuals 107 28 2 137
% of individuals 78% 20% 1% 99%

A majority of Individual respondents – 78% of those who answered the question –said that they live on a Scottish island or peninsula the majority of the time. Given the sample sizes for living on the mainland and an island or peninsula, there is limited scope for comparison between the two. However, taking their comments overall, there was nothing to suggest any clear differences in views depending on where people lived the majority of the time.

If you live on a Scottish island or peninsula, please state which one.

Islands and peninsulas where individual respondents live for the majority of the time, broken down into local authority area, community, and the total respondents in each area

North Ayrshire Council = 12

  • Arran = 12

Argyll and Bute Council = 40

  • Bute = 3
  • Coll and Tiree = 2
  • Colonsay = 2
  • Gigha = 2
  • Islay = 9
  • Jura = 1
  • Lismore = 5
  • Mull and Iona = 9
  • Cowal Peninsula = 1
  • Rosneath Peninsula = 5
  • Kintyre = 1

Comhairle nan Eilean Siar = 15

  • Barra = 3
  • Lewis and Harris = 9
  • Uists = 3

The Highland Council = 8

  • Eigg = 5
  • Skye and Raasay = 2
  • Ardnamurchan Peninsula = 1

Orkney Islands = 18

  • Orkney Mainland or unspecified = 7
  • North Isles = 10
  • South Isles = 1

Shetland Islands = 11

  • Shetland Mainland or unspecified = 6
  • Unst and Yell = 3
  • Whalsay = 2

All areas = 104

Of the 107 Individual respondents who indicated that they live mainly on an island or peninsula, (Table 2) all but three provided further information about which one. The individual island/peninsula indicated most frequently was the Isle of Arran, while the largest number of respondents overall lived in Argyll and Bute.

Please select your age bracket:

Responses for individual respondents are set out in Table 3 below.

Table 3: Responses by age bracket (figures rounded to nearest whole number)
Respondent 16 to 18 19 to 21 22 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 59 60 & over Prefer not to say Total
Individuals 1 1 6 11 18 24 71 5 137
% of individuals 1% 1% 4% 8% 13% 18% 52% 4% 100%

Respondents were most likely to be within the 60 or over age group (52% of individual respondents). Overall, the proportion of respondents within each age group fell as age decreased, with only 1% of respondents in either the 16 to 18 or 19 to 21 age brackets.

Although the number of respondents in the younger age groups is low, the analysis did consider whether the perspectives of younger people (in this case the eight respondents who identified themselves as being aged 34 years or younger), was broadly in line with respondents overall. There was nothing to suggest that the views of younger people differed from those in older age groups in any substantive way. This included for the four respondents in the younger age groups who also identified themselves as living on an island.

Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months?

Responses for individual respondents are set out in Table 4 below.

Table 4: Responses by health or disability status
Respondent Yes, limited a lot Yes, limited a little No Prefer not to say Total
Individuals 20 6 101 7 134
% of individuals 15% 4% 75% 5% 99%

Although the majority of individual respondents (75% of those answering the question) said their day-to-day activities were not limited because of a health problem or disability, 4% reported that they were limited a little and 15% that they were limited a lot.

What do you mainly use the ferry services for?

Responses by respondent type are set out in Table 5 below.

Table 5: What do you mainly use the ferry services for?
Respondent For Business For Work/ Education For Personal/ Leisure All of the above
Community Council, Development Trust or Transport Forum 4 0 3 5
Energy related business or group 1 0 2 2
Ferry Board, Committee or Group 1 0 1 4
Local Authority, RTP or CPP 0 0 0 0
Port or harbour authority 1 0 1 0
Public Body 0 0 0 0
Third sector or campaign group 0 0 0 0
Tourism organisation or business 0 0 1 0
Trade Union 0 0 0 0
Other private sector business or group 0 0 1 0
Total organisations 7 0 9 11
% of organisations 30% 0% 39% 48%
Individuals 21 11 93 35
% of individuals 15% 8% 68% 26%
All respondents 28 11 102 46
% of all respondents 18% 7% 64% 29%

It was possible to select more than one option at this question and percentages are given as a proportion of the number of respondents who selected at least one option rather than the total number of options chosen (for Organisations n = 23, Individuals n = 136, and All respondents = 159). As a result, percentages do not sum to 100%.

Overall, the most frequently chosen option was using ferries for personal/leisure purposes at 64%. While individual respondents were most likely to use ferries for personal/leisure purposes (68%), organisational respondents were most likely to indicate ferry use for all purposes (48%).

How frequently do you use the ferry services?

Responses by respondent type are set out in Table 6 below.

Table 6: Frequency of use
Respondent Weekly Monthly Occasion-ally Seasonally (Summer period) Total
Community Council, Development Trust or Transport Forum 4 2 1 0 7
Energy related business or group 2 0 1 0 3
Ferry board, committee or group 2 0 2 0 4
Local Authority, RTP or CPP 0 0 0 0 0
Port or harbour authority 0 0 1 0 1
Public Body 1 0 0 0 1
Third sector or campaign group 1 0 0 0 1
Tourism organisation or business 1 1 1 0 3
Trade Union 0 0 0 0 0
Other private sector business or group 2 1 0 0 3
Total organisations 13 4 6 0 23
% of organisations 57% 17% 26% 0% 100%
Individuals 37 58 32 8 135
% of individuals 27% 43% 24% 6% 100%
All respondents 50 62 38 8 158
% of all respondents 32% 39% 24% 5% 100%

Overall, respondents were most likely to use ferry services on a monthly basis, (39% of those answering the question) followed by weekly use (32% of those answering). Organisational respondents were most likely to use ferry services on a weekly basis, while monthly use was most frequent for Individuals.