Background data and sources

Background data and sources

All data relating to emissions used in this publication were derived from, and originally published in the NAEI’s annual report: Greenhouse Gas Inventories for England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. Additionally, key Scottish transport data has been sourced from Scottish Transport Statistics.

NAEI continually refine their reporting methodology to increase the accuracy of their publications. This results in revisions across the entire time-series. Consequently, the data contained within this report should not be compared with previous editions of the CAT.

Emissions from international aviation and shipping (IAS) were not originally reported in the inventory but have been included since 2009 under a separate category called Exports. The Scottish Government has committed to including emissions from IAS in emissions targets, hence references to maritime and aviation emissions refer to the combined total of domestic and international emissions, unless otherwise stated.

In line with the methodology used to report against the Climate Change (Scotland) Act 2009, only emissions relating to point-of-use (i.e. tailpipe emissions) are analysed here. Lifestyle and displaced emissions such as those generated to power trains are not included.