Executive Summary

Executive Summary

The main findings and updates for the latest Carbon Account for Transport are:

  • In 2011 total Scottish emissions from all sectors amounted to 51.3 mega-tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e). Transport's share of this Scottish total is 13.0 MtCO2e - including emissions from international aviation and shipping. Transport thus accounts for just over one quarter of Scotland's total emissions.
  • Transport emissions have fallen for four years running and over this period have reduced by 1.7 MtCO2e.
  • Road transport emissions account for 71.5% of all transport emissions and cars account for over half of this total. Emissions from cars account for 40% of all transport emissions.
  • Maritime emissions account for 14% of all transport emissions.
  • Aviation emissions account for 13% of all transport emissions.
  • With the overall picture for transport emissions over the period 1990-2011:
    Emissions from cars are lower than in 1990.
    Emissions from aviation, and particularly international aviation, have risen.
    The rise in emissions from good vehicles is almost exclusively a result of a significant increase in emissions from Light Good Vehicles before 2007.