Summary of analysis of problems, issues, opportunities and constraints
The consideration of the current challenges and opportunities in relation to the cost to government, operators, taxpayers and passengers, the availability of public transport services in Scotland and possible interventions in response has been undertaken in line with the principles set out in Scottish Transport Appraisal Guidance.
As such the following process has been followed:
- Identification of Problems and Issues.
- Consideration of Opportunities for Change and any Constraints.
- Establishment of Transport Planning Objectives which outline the outcomes sought.
- Option Generation, Sifting and Development.
These have been informed by a range of activities and data sources including:
- Analysis of transport trends data and Scottish Transport Statistics.
- Engagement with transport operators, delivery partners, advocacy, and passenger groups, both in the course of Transport Scotland`s Business as Usual engagement, and in engagement focussed on issues within the remit of the Fair Fares Review.
- Analysis of Transport Scotland`s Surveys on Public Attitudes during the Covid-19 pandemic.
- Analysis of responses to relevant consultations e.g. on the extension of free bus travel to Under 22s and the development of the National Transport Strategy (NTS2).
- Analysis of evidence provided, and public petitions lodged in the Scottish Parliament.
- Analysis of evidence provided by stakeholders e.g. reports commissioned by Hitrans, SPT, CPT and Transform Scotland.
- Findings and recommendations emerging from industry groups e.g. Bus Taskforce.