Stage 1: Framing

Results of framing exercise

The update to Cycling by Design guidance will affect people (directly or indirectly) as it is applied to new and improved permanent cycling infrastructure in Scotland.

It was recognised that the development of the guidance would require regular consultation with relevant stakeholders. A Steering Group was set up to manage the development of the guidance, including representation from Transport Scotland, SCOTS and Sustrans.

Transport Scotland commissioned a literature review and undertook consultation with practitioners/users of the Cycling by Design guidance as well as cycling organisations. Early engagement was sought with Transport Scotland’s Roads for All Forum to identify issues, concerns and opportunities for disabled cyclists, and disabled people as they interact with the infrastructure.

Working Groups were set up for individual technical topics contained within the guidance, with each group involving relevant stakeholders for consultation and representation.

Findings arising from the Steering Group, Working Groups, consultation and participation in the Roads for All Forum have all fed in to the development of the guidance.

Extent/Level of EQIA required

As a result of the framing exercise, a full EQIA was undertaken.

Other Impact Assessments Considered

There were a number of additional impact assessments considered for the publication of the guidance. These are summarised below:

  1. Business and Regulatory Impact Assessment

A full Business and Regulatory Impact assessment was carried out for the Cycling by Design guidance.

  1. Child Rights and Wellbeing Impact Assessment (CRWIA)

A screening and detailed assessments were carried out for the Cycling by Design guidance as the document will likely have an indirect impact on children and young people.

  1. Data Protection Impact Assessment

A screening assessment was carried out, and it was concluded that an assessment was not required as there would be no personal data collected during the development of the guidance.

  1. Fairer Scotland Duty Assessment

It was concluded that the guidance document did not require an assessment under the Fairer Scotland Duty given its status as guidance rather than formative policy or a strategic decision.

  1. Island Communities Impact Assessment

A screening assessment was carried out, and concluded there would be no additional impacts on island communities that would require a full assessment to be undertaken.

  1. Strategic Environment Assessment

A pre-screening assessment was carried out, and concluded no further assessment was required. The environmental impact of any infrastructure projects would be assessed in line with the 2017 Environmental Impact Assessment (Scotland) Regulations as part of individual infrastructure scheme development.