Summary of key recommendations

The following are the key recommendations arising from the findings from the ATF Evaluation Research Project (2016 to 2023), commissioned by Transport Scotland and conducted by Disability Equality Scotland:

  1. Improve the quantity and quality of data collected in relation to disabled passenger experiences by capturing relevant and specific information which directly relates to indicators of progress for the priority areas in the Accessible Travel Framework and/or any future delivery plan(s).

This could include:

  • To ensure future Disability and Transport Household annual surveys include specific questions relating to any future delivery plan(s).
  • To create a bi-annual, annual, or biennial travel experience survey for disabled people in Scotland, in conjunction with strategic partners and from a lived experience perspective.
  • To support transport providers to collect their data in a way that enables measures of progress to be seen between disabled and non-disabled people’s experiences.
  • To encourage engagement between transport providers and Disabled Peoples Organisations to create feedback mechanisms that are both inclusive and accessible.
  • To consider how passenger/customer satisfaction could be tracked via passenger assistance apps.
  • To map all channels of data gathering from external stakeholders and internal processes to maintain an archive of the Accessible Travel Framework and related work.
  1. Ensure co-production, consultation, and open dialogue between Transport Scotland, transport providers, and DPOs is conducted throughout the creation of any future delivery plan(s). Quantitative and qualitive key progress indicators should take a SMART objectives approach and involved lived experience.

This could include:

  • To consider the re-establishment of the Accessible Travel Regional Action Forum events, to regularly consult disabled people across different regions in Scotland, for the remaining lifespan of the framework.
  • To create a workstream plan for identified priorities and share with stakeholder organisations working in alignment with the Accessible Travel Framework, for annual progress reporting.
  • To map clear links between original areas identified in the Accessible Travel Framework and current/future project plans to enable effective monitoring, ensuring equal distribution across all areas.
  • To create opportunities for transport provider accessibility teams to share knowledge, experiences and to problem solve arising issues.
  1. Support all transport modes to continue to improve passenger assistance services, and to clearly signpost and communicate these services to passengers, including Thistle Assistance.
  2. Development of a rural “Accessible Taxi Services” plan across Scotland to address specific barriers disabled people face when trying to access taxis. In conjunction with a collaboration between Community Transport Association and Disability Equality Scotland, this can be expanded to work towards mitigating transportation issues arising for disabled people in rural communities.
  3. Ensure that all members of staff working within accessible travel receive disability and equality training, delivered by disabled people, which includes all transport providers.
  4. Prioritise inclusive communication for all delivery projects.
  • To provide support to transport providers to be inclusive with their forms of transport information.
  • To unify all accessible and inclusive travel information and resources by creating a good practice guide which can be held as a central resource and point of contact on the Accessible Travel Hub.
  • To gather specific best practice guidance and case studies of arising issues within transport, in conjunction with disabled people’s organisations to be shared on the Accessible Travel Hub.