Statement of the steps taken by Transport Scotland to improve efficiency, effectiveness and economy in the exercise of its functions in the period

Our Information Technology (IT) teams continue to work to ensure that we remain well placed to benefit from new and emerging technologies, including Microsoft Teams, which we have continued to develop, and in doing so have helped to facilitate successful hybrid working. We have also invested in modern furniture and meeting room solutions and will continue to do when we move into our new permanent premises in late 2023. We have also invested in desk booking technology which will be developed further in 2023/24.

Our corporate teams have also delivered on a series of improved Governance processes during this financial year, including the review and enhancement of the Risk Management process.

We continue to work to improve corporate processes and ensure that appropriate budgets are allocated to fund the agreed commitments, and that they reflect robust projections within our long-term financial planning model.

We conduct regular Self Assessments exercises across all business areas throughout the year and we seek to provide assurance in respect of Best Value principles and seek recommendations for further continuous improvement.

Our approach to ‘Smarter Working’ allows a flexible approach to how we deliver objectives.

Our Corporate Procurement Strategy supports Scottish Government’s goals of increasing competitiveness and tackling inequality. We continue to undertake our procurement activity in a sustainable manner by ensuring that each project procurement strategy considers sustainability and utilises collaborative contracts where appropriate. As well as including fair work and carbon requirements in our procurements, we remain at the forefront of implementing community benefits into our contracts and promoting our procurements to provide opportunities for SMEs and Supported Businesses.