Economic, Environmental and Social Impacts of Changes in Maintenance Spend on the Scottish Trunk Road Network
Appendix B Subjective assessment of maintenance spend
Figure B.1 shows the spreadsheet for the allocation of works activities to maintenance budget heads and the distribution of funding to Transport Scotland objectives. This funding represents the funding for the Operating Companies. Further funding of activities, directly by Centre of the organisation, is shown in Figure B.2.
In Figure B.1, the columns on the right-hand side show the allocated budgets after the overall 20% and 40% reductions. The columns headed by the blue box on the left-hand sides of the tables were created as part of the PAG contract function. All other information derived for use in the analysis for this study is shown on the right-hand sides of the tables.
Figure B.2 shows the funding allocation as shown in the Transport Scotland Road Asset Management Plan (RAMP) (Transport Scotland, 2007b) (Transport Scotland, 2007b). The difference between the funding allocated to the Operating Companies and the funding shown in the RAMP is shown distributed between the budget heads. This enable the distribution of the total funding to be shown distributed for the current budget, the 20% cut budget and the 40% cut budget.
Figure B.1 Allocation of works to budget heads (1)
Figure B.2 Allocation of works to budget heads (2)