Cycling Scotland has commissioned the development of a new Cycling Framework and Delivery Plan for Active Travel in Scotland on behalf of Transport Scotland and working in partnership with Sustrans and SCOTS. The aim is to build on the progress through three iterations of the Cycling Action Plan for Scotland (CAPS) between 2010 and 2020 and implement the recommendations of the 2020 Independent Review of CAPS.
The primary purpose of the new Framework is to achieve modal shift for everyday journeys, getting more people to cycle more often, as part of increasing Active Travel in Scotland and delivering the Fairer Scotland Duty.
The Framework will align with NTS2, the Active Travel Framework, Accessible Travel Framework, Climate Change Plan and other relevant policy documents and approaches such as 20-minute neighbourhoods.
It will provide a shift in approach, taking into consideration leading cycling strategies from around the world, have equality at its core and will demonstrate leadership in bold initiatives and support for cycling. It will bring together the various policy and delivery interests which cycling contributes to, especially in relation to climate change and health, recognising the contribution these and other areas can make in supporting everyday cycling.
Report Purpose
This report outlines the evidence that has been gathered to inform the development of the Framework and Delivery Plan. It is set out as follows:
- Chapter 2: a review of relevant policies and strategies
- Chapter 3: a summary of the independent review of Cycling Action Plan for Scotland and
- Chapter 4: a summary of examples of other cycling and active travel strategies
- Chapter 5: a summary of stakeholder engagement carried out to date
- Chapter 6: the potential strategic actions to be included in the Delivery Plan