What is STPR2?
In 2019, Transport Scotland, the national transport agency of the Scottish Government, commenced the second Strategic Transport Projects Review, the first review having been published in 2008. It will help deliver the vision, priorities and outcomes that are set out in the second National Transport Strategy.
This review of the strategic transport network’s performance will inform transport investment in Scotland for the next 20 years (2022-2042) by providing evidence-based recommendations on which Scottish Ministers can base future transport investment decisions.
STPR2 considers the transport needs of Scotland’s people and communities, and examines active travel (walking, wheeling, cycling), bus, ferry, rail and motorways and trunk roads as well as passenger and freight access to major ports and airports. These needs are reviewed from national and regional perspectives to reflect their different geographies, travel patterns and demands.

The objectives of STPR2 are consistent across Scottish Government policy. They cover these topics:
- takes climate action
- addressing inequalities & accessibility
- improving health & wellbeing
- supporting sustainable and inclusive economic growth and
- improving safety & resilience.
By addressing these topics, this ensures that STPR2 recommendations:
- align with relevant Scottish Government policy, delivery and investment plans in order to help achieve their priorities
- help achieve the priorities set out in the National Transport Strategy and its Delivery Plan
- meet the objectives and stated purpose of STPR2.
STPR2 provides an overview of transport investment, mainly infrastructure and other behaviour change recommendations, that are required to deliver the National Transport Strategy priorities and objectives of the Review. In many cases the recommendations build on the individual investment and policy decisions taken in recent years, but the overall balance of the recommendations reflects the vision, priorities and outcomes of the National Transport Strategy and commitments in its Delivery Plan. Some of the additional transport investments not covered by STPR2 include routine day-to-day motorway and trunk road maintenance and committed improvements; rail network operations, maintenance and renewal; and revenue funding for public transport services.
Within the list of recommendations there are no specific priorities, as each component is vital in addressing the complex needs of our nation. Neither are these recommendations the sole responsibility of Transport Scotland to deliver and, indeed, many will rely on working with partners to take forward. However, by including these within STPR2, Transport Scotland has confirmed its commitment to supporting and working in partnership with others to develop and deliver.
STPR2 presents the Strategic Business Case for the recommendations. After this stage, the next stage will be further development of the recommendations, providing more detailed business cases to inform the investment decision making process. These will inform the Scottish Government’s future spending as part of the overall investment programme in transport. Therefore, as development and business case work progresses, projects may become commitments with funding and a delivery programme.
Key Objectives | STPR2 aligns with and supports Scottish Government policies | STPR2 meets the second National Transport Strategy (NTS2) priorities | STPR2 reflects NTS2's Sustainable Investment and Travel Hierarchies | STPR2 meets Transport Planning Objectives to deliver | STPR2 recommendations meet its stated purpose to |
Takes climate action | Climate Change Plan Update (2020) & Route Map target net zero Carbon by 2045 and a world leading 20% reduction in car km by 2030 | Takes climate action | Reducing the need to travel unsustainably | A sustainable transport system that contributes to Zero Emissions | Create better connectivity with sustainable, smart, cleaner transport options |
Addresses inequalities & accessibility | Delivering a Just Transition to net zero in a way that delivers fairness and tackles inequality Addressing Child Poverty | Reduces inequalities | Enhances choice and access to active travel and public transport | An inclusive transport system that improves affordability/accessibility of public transport | Improve accessibility for residents, visitors and business |
Improves health & wellbeing | Cleaner Air For Scotland 2 (2021) & Delivery Plan - STPR2 recommendations will deliver further air quality improvements | Improves our health & wellbeing | Priority given to walking and wheeling, then cycling | A cohesive transport system that enhances communities as places - supporting health/ wellbeing | Create better connectivity with sustainable, smart, cleaner transport options |
Supports sustainable economic growth | The revised draft Fourth National Planning Framework (NPF4) - presents the opportunity to embed the importance of "place" across land-use planning and transport. Scotland's National Strategy for Economic Transformation sets out the priorities for Scotland's economy and recognises the role of transport investment in enabling and sustaining Scotland's economic growth. | Helps deliver inclusive economic growth | Making better use of existing capacity | An integrated transport system that contributes to sustainable inclusive growth |
Enable and sustain economic growth. I mprove accessibility for residents, visitors and business |
Increases safety & resilience | National Transport Strategy 2 and Scotland's Road Safety Framework to 2030 | Increase the safety of the transport system and meet casualty reduction targets | Maintain and safely operate existing assets | A reliable and resilient transport system - safe and secure for users | Improve accessibility for residents, visitors and business |