8 Disposal of Waste and Contaminated Materials
8 Disposal of Waste and Contaminated Materials
8.1.1 To take reasonable precautions in carrying out the works to prevent, contain, or limit adverse environmental impacts and health and safety risks arising from the handling and disposal of waste, including contaminated materials. To maximise, where reasonable, reuse of site-won materials within the construction of the Project and recycling of surplus materials in order to reduce adverse environmental effects associated with disposal off-site.
8.2 Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan
8.2.1 As explained in Section 1.7 of this CoCP, the contractor’s EMP will include a Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan. In addition to the requirements of Section 7 of this CoCP, the Plan will also describe the procedures and measures to be implemented so that the handling, storage, transfer and disposal of waste materials and contaminated materials, together with the measures to be implemented for the reuse or recycling of waste material are appropriately managed.
8.2.2 The Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan will be prepared in accordance with the following guidance:
- Site Waste Management Plans: Guidance for Construction contractors and Clients.
- Scotland’s National Waste Plan.
- Scottish Planning Policy 10 [SPP 10] Planning for Waste Management.
8.2.3 The procedures set out in the Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan will cover the following, as appropriate:
- Procedures for the classification of all waste.
- Procedures for the recording of the types, quantities and locations of waste materials generated during construction.
- The measures to be implemented to reduce waste generation.
- The measures to be implemented for recycling and/or re-use of spoil material.
- The measures to be adopted for management of waste on site.
- The proposed storage, handling, treatment and disposal procedures for waste.
- The licensing arrangements for waste disposal.
- Details of the waste carriers and off-site disposal sites to be used, including the terms of their respective licenses and details of waste permitted to be transported and received.
- The procedures, such as use of consignment notes, to enable an appropriate audit trail of waste disposal activities to be identified.
8.2.4 The contractor will consult with relevant local authorities and SEPA regarding the development of the Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan.
8.3 Waste and Waste Minimisation
8.3.1 The contractor will take reasonable precautions in the design and construction of the Project to consider opportunities and implement measures to reuse waste or surplus materials, as appropriate. The contractor will have regard to the Sustainable Development Policy, as described in Section 1.8 of this CoCP, when considering the reuse of materials within the works.
8.3.2 The contractor will provide recycling points at site offices and compounds and arrange for the appropriate disposal of waste to recycling stations.
8.3.3 The contractor will manage the disposal of waste material to maximise the environmental and development benefits from the use of surplus material and to reduce the adverse environmental effects and risks associated with disposal off-site.
8.3.4 All waste material will be appropriately transported and disposed of by the contractor at licensed tips or designated sites. The contractor will comply with relevant legislation including the Control of Pollution Act 1974, Section 34 of the Environmental Protection Act 1990 and the Waste Management, The Duty of Care, A Code of Practice guidance in this regard.
8.3.5 The contractor will obtain any consents or licences necessary for the deposition or disposal of surplus material within the Firth of Forth, including sediments excavated from the bed of the Firth of Forth during construction of the main crossing. The contractor will comply with Part II of the Food and Environment Protection Act 1985 in this regard.
8.3.6 Prior to disposal, the contractor will assess soils in line with Environment Agency Technical Guidance WM2 to determine whether they are hazardous or non-hazardous.
8.3.7 The contractor will handle, store and manage waste to contain and limit impacts and avoid nuisance arising from dust and odour in accordance with the requirements of Section 6 of this CoCP. The handling and disposal of waste water will also comply with the requirements of Section 9 of this CoCP.
8.3.8 Waste disposal routes will comply with the restrictions on access routes for construction traffic determined in accordance with the requirements of Section 4.7 of this CoCP. The contractor will comply with the requirements of the relevant navigation and harbour authorities regarding the transport of waste on the Firth of Forth.
8.3.9 The contractor will obtain any necessary waste management licenses or apply to SEPA for registration of any relevant exemption from waste licensing necessary during construction works.
8.4 Contaminated and Hazardous Materials
8.4.1 Mitigation measures to be implemented during construction on or adjacent to areas of land affected by contamination are covered in Section 7 of this CoCP. The Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan will set out the procedures to be followed for the handling, storage, transfer and disposal of contaminated or hazardous materials to comply with relevant legislation.
8.4.2 The handling, storage, transport and disposal of contaminated or hazardous material will comply with the requirements of this Section 8 of the CoCP, as appropriate.
8.4.3 Classification of contaminated or hazardous materials will be in accordance with hazardous waste guidance. The contractor will consult with SEPA regarding reuse criteria and sample plans for materials to be reused during construction.
8.4.4 The contractor will identify waste which falls within the definition of special waste in relevant legislation, including the Special Waste Regulations 1996, as amended, and implement appropriate handling, storage, transport and disposal measures for special waste accordance with the regulations and other statutory requirements. This will include waste containing contaminated materials and asbestos.
8.5.1 The contractor will monitor and undertake regular audits of the waste management procedures to facilitate compliance with the Geology, Land Contamination and Waste Management Plan, relevant legislation and the project Sustainable Development Policy (refer to Section 1.8).
- Control of Pollution Act 1974
- Control of Pollution (Special Waste) Regulations 1980, as amended
- Environmental Protection Act 1990, as amended
- Food and Environment Protection Act 1985
- Scottish Planning Policy 10 [SPP7]: Planning for Waste Management
- Site Waste Management Plans: Guidance for Construction contractors and Clients, Department of Trade and Industry, 2004
- Techncial Guidance WM2, Interpretation of the definition and classification of Hazardous Waste, Environment Agency, 2008
- The Control of Substances Hazardous to Health Regulations 2002, as amended
- The National Waste Plan 2003, Scottish Environment Protection Agency
- The Special Waste Regulations 1996, as amended
- The Special Waste (Scotland) Regulations 1997, as amended
- The Waste Management Licensing (Scotland) Regulations 1996, as amended
- Waste Management, The Duty of Care, A Code of Practice, Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs, 2009