Appendix A6.1: Summary of Planning Applications

Appendix A6.1: Summary of Planning Applications

Key planning applications impacted by the route corridor options are shown on Figure 6.2 (as indicated by Table 1).

Table 1: Planning Applications

Planning Reference

Proposed Development

Status of Application


City of Edinburgh Council

04/03280/FUL, Bo’ness Road, South Queensferry
(Figure 6.2c - Planning Application 5)

Construction of new Waste Water Treatment Works.

Application granted


03/01969/FUL, Port Edgar
(Figure 6.2c - Planning Application 1)

New clubhouse facility for Port Edgar Yacht club.

Application granted


05/02163/FUL, Claylands Road, Newbridge

New distribution centre.

Application granted


03/01971/FUL, The Steading, Burnsho,t Dalmeny Estate

Change of use to office/light industrial.

Application granted


08/01440/FUL, Dundas Castle Estate
(Figure 6.2c - Planning Application 6)

Restore semi derelict stable wing to create en-suite bedrooms and studio.

Application granted


07/04254/FUL, Queensferry Road, Kirkliston
(Figure 6.2c - Planning Application 7)

Carry out infrastructure works, for future development at North Kirkliston.

Application granted


West Lothian Council

Woodend Newton, 1293/FUL/06

Demolition of existing building and erection of new dwelling.


Duntarvie Castle, 0862/03

Temporary residential accommodation.



Auldcathie, 0033/FUL/07

Restoration of former landfill site with proposed uses including gas extraction, electricity production and recreational open space.

Awaiting determination


Winchburgh, 1012/p/05
(Figure 6.2c - Planning Application 8)

Outline Planning Permission for 352 ha mixed use development.

Awaiting determination

CDA allocation

Whitequarries Industrial Estate, 0474/FUL/07

Erection of 300 sq m farm shop.

Awaiting determination

Within the grounds of Hopetoun Estate

Newton, 0589/03

Conversion and extension to form 2 houses.



Fife Council

03/00259/WARM, Frankie And Benny's
Fife Leisure Park

Reserved matters application for the erection of a class 3 restaurant with associated service area.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

03/02473/WFULL, Pitreavie Business Park

Erection of class 4 office building and formation of access road with associated car parking (Unit 1).

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

03/03308/WFULL, J3
Duloch Park

Erection of 200 detached 2 storey dwellinghouses with integral garages and formation of access roads.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

03/03359/WFULL, Crossroads Place

Erection of 2,260 sq ft building for the purposes of a class 2 use and a licensed betting office (class 2) with associated car parking and bin store.

Application permitted with conditions


07/03611/WFULL, Halbeath Interchange Business Park

Erection of business unit (Class 4) totalling 8000 sq ft including associated landscaping and car parking.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

07/03212/WFULL, Whimbrel Place

Formation of 18 hole miniature golf theme park with associated ticket office, storage shed, car park, 2.4 metre high fencing and landscaping, including water features and provision for erection of temporary dome structure.

Application permitted with conditions


06/02206/WOPP, Site Adjacent To Queensferry Road
Pitreavie Drive

Outline planning application for erection of 3 no. class 4 office buildings with associated roads and car parking.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

06/00525/WFULL, Whimbrel Place

Erection of retail garden centre, formation of roads and landscaping, restaurant, display areas and landscaping.

Application permitted with conditions


05/02761/WARM, Lapwing Drive

rection of 256 dwellinghouses and 24 flats, formation of new roads, footpaths and SUDS pond and provision of open space areas, landscaping, boundary treatments and structure planting.

Application permitted with Conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

05/02742/WFUL, Duloch Park J3
Sandpiper Drive

Erection of 141 dwellinghouses, formation of open space area, roads, footpaths and boundary treatments, and associated works.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

05/02245/WFULL, Duloch Park Plot P4
Aberdour Road

Erection of 117 dwellinghouses and 36 flats, formation of access roads, footpaths, parking, open space and landscaped areas; installation of an attenuation basin.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

04/03741/WFULL, Kingseat Road

Erection of 5, 2 storey buildings (24,000ft2) comprising 7 (class 4) office units, formation of access road and car parking with associated landscaping and other engineering works.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Employment Allocation

05/01115/WARM, Masterton Park Area R3
Aberdour Road

Erection of 183 dwellinghouses, 18 flatted dwellings, formation of new roads, footpaths, open space area, drainage treatment pond and associated works.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

05/01118/WFULL, Duloch Park Plot P4
Aberdour Road

Erection of 48 dwellinghouses and 20 flats; formation of surface water attenuation and treatment pond; landscaping; formation of associated roads, footpaths, car parking and amenity space.

Application permitted with conditions

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

Table 2: Planning Applications Awaiting Decision

Planning Application Site

Proposed Development

Status of Application


Fife Council

08/00984/WEIA, Rosyth Railway Station
(Figure 6.2a - Planning Application 2)

Construction of 500 spaces park and choose facility, and associated landscaping and works.

Pending consideration


07/03408/WFULL, Pitreavie Way

Erection of a 2 storey fire station building with associated auxiliary building, 4 emergency POD containers, a training tower, diesel tank, bund and pump, underground tank, access, parking, landscaping and security walls, gates and fencing.

Pending consideration


07/02683/WFULL, Land To West Of Macdonald Square
Main Street

Erection of 86 flatted dwellings, formation of access road, 105 car parking spaces, landscaping /amenity areas.

Pending decision

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

07/01337/WFULL, Masterton Road Dunfermline
(Figure 6.2a - Planning Application 3)

Erection of 62 dwellinghouses, 18 flats and associated roads, parking and landscaping.

Pending decision

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

06/04235/WARM, Masterton Park R5
(Figure 6.2a - Planning Application 4)

Reserved matters application for the erection of 203 dwellinghouses, 24 flats, formation of new road access, footpaths, roads, open space, play areas, landscaping and drainage pond.

Pending consideration

Dunfermline East Expansion Area Housing Allocation

The City of Edinburgh Council

08/01437/LBC, Dundas Castle Estate

Listed building consent to restore semi derelict stable wing to create en-suite bedrooms and studio.

Pending decision


08/01268/FUL, Queensferry Road, Kirkliston

Erection of 62 detached and semi-detached houses.

Pending decision


08/01152/FUL/LBC, Haws Pier D, Newhall Road

New I.L.B boathouse with crew facilities and attached souvenir outlet.

Pending decision