12 Summary and HIA-Specific Mitigation References
12 Summary and HIA-Specific Mitigation
12.1 Summary
This HIA has identified the main effects on human health and wellbeing that are likely to result from the proposed Forth Replacement Crossing, based on currently available information on the proposed scheme and its economic, transport and environmental effects during construction and operation.
The assessment has acknowledged that, by providing an alternative traffic route in the event of an eventual closure or partial closure of the Forth Road Bridge, the proposed scheme would prevent widespread socio-economic impacts which would otherwise have adverse consequences for health and wellbeing.
The potential for positive and negative health effects have been identified during construction and operation of the proposed scheme. These are generally of negligible to minor magnitude. Effects may be more likely in the areas close to the proposed new road alignments to the north and south of the Main Crossing.
12.2 Mitigation
As described in this report, a wide range of mitigation measures have been incorporated into the design of the proposed scheme through the EIA process. Specific mitigation measures from the ES which relate to the relevant health determinants are identified in this report and were taken into account in the consideration of health impacts. Measures will be put in place during construction to ensure that any impacts are mitigated as far as practicable and a dedicated Community Liaison Officer will be appointed by the contractor to respond quickly to any concerns and complaints raised by the local community.
The following additional mitigation measures have been identified as a result of this HIA.
General measures
- When notifying communities of planned construction works as required by the CoCP, the Contractor will provide information on details of proposed air quality and noise monitoring and any other proposed mitigation.
- The Contractor will be required to demonstrate a commitment to its wider social responsibilities, for example through participation in the Considerate Constructor’s scheme.
Transport, Economics and Employment
- Transport Scotland will seek to create local training and employment opportunities during construction.
Community Severance
- Secured by Design principles will be applied to the design of temporary and permanent footpaths, cycle paths and underpasses to ensure that people are not deterred from using either temporary or permanent routes due to safety concerns.
Berglund, B., Lindvall,T., & Schwela, D.H. (1999). Guidelines for Community Noise. World Health Organisation.
Cave, B., Curtis,S., Aviles,M., and Coutts,A. (2001). Health Impact Assessment for Regeneration Projects. Volume II Selected evidence base. East London and City Health Action Zone.
City of Edinburgh Council (2008). Discussion Paper towards a Joint Health Improvement Plan.
Department of Health (2004) At least Five A Week: Evidence on the impact of physical activity and its relationship to health, Department of Health.
Design Manual for Roads and Bridges, Volume 11 Section 3, Part 7 (HA 213/08).
Douglas, I. (2005). Urban Greenspace and Mental Health. Prepared for the UK MAB Urban Forum.
Edinburgh South-East Development Department (2003). A Walking Strategy for Scotland, Consultation document.
FETA (2008). Feasibility Study for the Replacement or Augmentation of the Main Cables.
Fife Council (2007), Population Estimates 2007.
Greater London Authority (2005). ‘Review of the London Health Strategy High Level Indicators’. London Health Commission.
Greater London Authority (2006). The control of dust and emissions from construction and demolition Best Practice Guidance
Health Development Agency (2004). Improving patient access to health services: a national review and case studies of current approaches.
Health Scotland, MRC Social and Public Health Sciences Unit and Institute of Occupational Medicine (2007). Health Impact Assessment of Transport Initiatives – A Guide, NHS Health Scotland.
Jacobs Arup (2009a). Forth Replacement Crossing: Environmental Statement.
Jacobs Arup (2009b). Forth Replacement Crossing: DMRB Stage 3 Scheme Assessment Report.
Jacobs/Faber Maunsell/AECOM (2007). Forth Replacement Crossing Study: Reports 1-5. Prepared on behalf of Transport Scotland.
Liverpool Public Health Observatory (2001). The Merseyside Guidelines for Health Impact Assessment. Merseyside Health Impact Assessment Steering Group. May 2001.
Jolanda Maas, Robert A Verheij, Peter P Groenewegen, Sjerp de Vries, Peter Spreeuwenberg, (2006). Green space, urbanity and health: how strong is the relation? Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 587-592 pp.
National Statistics (2007). Annual Population Survey in Scotland 2007: A Compendium of Labour Market Statistics.
NHS Health Scotland Commentary on NICE Public Health Guidance 8 (2008). Promoting and creating built or natural environments that encourage and support physical activity Summary 27 June 2008.
Physical Activity Task Force (2003). Let's Make Scotland More Active: A strategy for physical activity.
Scotland’s Census Results Online (scrol) (2001). 2001 Census data. Available at: http://www.scotpho.org.uk/home/home.asp .
Scottish Household Survey (2007). http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Publications .
Scottish Executive (2002). Improving Health in Scotland - The Challenge.
Scottish Government (2009). Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation 2006
Scottish Government (2007). Better Health, Better Care: Action Plan 2007.
Scottish Government (2008). Equally Well: Report of the Ministerial task Force on Health Inequalities.
Scottish Government (2009). Labour Market Statistics. Accessed 07 August 2009. Available at: http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/Browse/Labour-Market/ProfileFife
Scottish Government (2009). Household Survey Statistics http://www.scotland.gov.uk/Topics/Statistics/16002 . Accessed 07 August 2009.
Scottish Public Health Observatory (2009). Active Travel. Accessed 05 August 2009. Available at: http://www.scotpho.org.uk/home/Lifecircumstances/Physical_environment/physical_envt_data/physical_environment_active_travel.asp
Secured by Design (2009). Secured by Design Principles. Accessed 10 August 2009. Available at: http://www.securedbydesign.com/pdfs/SBD-principles.pdf
Sport England (2007). Active Design. Promoting opportunities for sport and physical activity through good design. Supported by CABE, DH & DCMS.
Sustainable Development Commission (2008). Health, Place and Nature - How outdoor environments influence health and well-being: a knowledge base.
Transport Scotland (2009a). Forth Replacement Crossing: Public Exhibitions - Feedback and Outcomes Report.
Transport Scotland (2009b). Forth Replacement Crossing: Guidance on the Parliamentary Process, Compulsory Purchase Process and Compensation. Available at http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/reports/road/frc-compulsory-purchase-guidance . Accessed 05 November 2009.
Transport Scotland (in press). Forth Replacement Crossing: Consultation and Engagement Report.
UK Government Office for Science Foresight (2007). Tackling Obesities.
World Health Organisation (2002).Noise and Health. Accessed 07 August 2009. Available at: http://www.euro.who.int/Noise .