- CEO - Chief Executuve Officer
- CFL - Calmac Ferries Limited
- CHFS - Clyde and Hebrides Ferry Service
- CML - Caledonian Maritime Assets Limited
- DML - David MacBrayne Limited
- DoA - Delegation of Authority
- EU - European Union
- JV - Joint Venture
- KPI - Key Performance Indicator
- LA - Local Authority
- NIFS - Northern Isles Ferry Services
- NSG - National Strategy Group
- OBC - Outline Business Case
- PPG - Peel Ports Group
- REC - Rural Economy and Connectivity Committee
- ROSCO - Rolling Stock Company
- RPTP - Regional Public Transport Plan
- RTP - Regional Transport Partnership
- SG - Scottish Government
- SPFM - Scottish Public Finance Manual
- SPT - Strathclyde Partnership for Transport
- STAG - Scotland Transport Appraisal Guidance
- TS - Transport Scotland
- VfM Value for Money
- VRDP Vessel Replacement and Deployment Plan