

1. Scottish Chambers of Commerce et al. (2009)

2. Written submission from Transform Scotland to Scottish Parliament’s Transport, Infrastructure, and Climate Change Committee, 20th October 2008

3. Greenpeace (2009)

4. WWF (2009)

5. Network Rail (2009a)

6. Network Rail (2009b)

7. Greengauge 21 (2009c)

8. Scottish Economic Statistics 2008

9. Business Services and Real Estate includes several sub-sectors as defined according to UK Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) codes 2003. Information on such classifications is available at

10. Scottish Government (2008b)

11. Scottish Government (2008b)

12. FDI Magazine, European Cities & Regions of the Future 2008/09.

13. Ernst & Young (2008)

14. United Kingdom Tourism Survey (2009)

15. VisitScotland (2008)

16. Scottish Government (2008a)

17. Office of National Statistics (2009)

18. ibid

19. ICCA (2008)

20. Scottish Government (2007)

21. Edinburgh Partnership (2009)

22. Glasgow Community Planning Partnership (2008)

23. Average of current journey times, significant variability exists.

24. Assumes deliver of the Intercity Express Project (IEP), with 4h 10m becoming the regular and fastest journey time.

25. Based on Department for Transport (2007b), which suggested a new high speed line constructed only in England would allow a 3 hr 25 minute journey from Scotland to London non-stop, with an additional 15 minutes added to the journey time to allow for stops at intermediary stations.

26. Eurostar (2009)

27. Greengauge21, (2009)

28. GDP, or Gross Domestic Product, is a measure of the total output of a country’s goods and services.

29. Department for Transport, (2008)

30. Smith, Howard (2002)

31. Scottish Enterprise et al. (2008)

32. Cushman and Wakefield (2007)

33. ONS (2008)

34. See Llewelyn-Davies et al., (2004) for a review; see also, Debrezion, G., et al., (2004); Dabinett (1998); and Network Rail (2009c)

35. McQuaid et al. (2004)

36. Department for Transport (2004)

37. ibid

38. More information on the EU Emissions Trading Scheme and its treatment in appraisals is available from the Department for Energy and Climate Change at

39. Department for Transport (2007a)

40. Turner, K. and Anson, S. (2009)