Improving the evidence base on journey time reliability on the Trunk Road Network in Scotland
1. Introduction
This Final Report is for the research project "Improving the evidence base on journey time reliability on the trunk road network in Scotland." awarded by Transport Scotland to the Institute for Transport Studies, University of Leeds in November 2013. The views expressed in this report are those of the authors and should not be taken to represent the views of Transport Scotland.
The Project Officer at Transport Scotland was Jonathan Dennis, economist in Transport Analytical Services within Transport Scotland. Several members of Transport Scotland staff provided assistance and encouragement, the greatest burden falling on Stuart Hay, part of the National Traffic Database Systems Team within Transport Scotland who had to manually extract automatic Vehicle-by-Vehicle records in a manner suitable for the reported analysis.
The staffing of this project is as follows: Dr Tony Fowkes, led the project; Jeremy Shires, was the main person carrying out the work, with special responsibility for organising the survey and data gathering; Professor Gerard de Jong, provided theoretical guidance and his expert knowledge of past studies in this area; Dr. Haibo Chen, carried out the programming work to analyse the data sets received; Dr James Laird, provided local knowledge and his experience in drafting material suitable for inclusion into the STAG guidance.