
9. Accidents and Casualties by Police Force division and Local Authority area (Tables 10 & 11)

9.1 Tables 10 and 11 show the reported numbers of accidents and casualties in each Police Force division and each Local Authority area. These are provisional figures, which are subject to a higher degree of revision from late returns and amendments. In addition, there can be quite large percentage year-to-year fluctuations in the figures for areas (as roads are often the boundary between areas/forces) within Scotland, particularly for those with the lower numbers. Therefore, the annual average for the latest five years may be a better guide to the "normal" level of the numbers than the figures for the latest year.

Table 10: Accidents by police force division, council and severity, 04-08, 08-12 averages and 2012
2004-08 average 2012 (provisional) 2008-2012 average (provisional)
Police division
Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All
Aberdeen City 5 74 423 7 92 376 5 89 410
Aberdeenshire & Moray 36 164 783 16 204 654 21 203 764
Aberdeenshire 30 131 608 14 168 528 18 172 605
Moray 6 33 175 2 36 126 4 31 159
Tayside 28 234 986 17 156 741 24 178 814
Dundee City 3 61 290 2 42 226 4 50 247
Angus 11 67 294 5 40 202 7 48 226
Perth & Kinross 14 105 401 10 74 313 13 79 341
Argyll & West Dunbartonshire 15 99 507 7 62 344 10 80 409
Argyll & Bute 11 67 298 4 46 211 8 58 257
West Dunbartonshire 4 32 209 3 16 133 2 22 152
Forth Valley 14 140 679 14 123 567 10 116 593
Clackmannanshire 2 16 89 0 16 84 2 14 76
Stirling 7 65 288 4 48 214 5 51 240
Falkirk 5 58 302 10 59 269 4 51 277
Dumfries & Galloway 12 106 455 6 66 318 7 78 361
Ayrshire 20 143 812 8 93 579 13 115 642
North Ayrshire 6 52 291 2 33 205 4 38 217
East Ayrshire 7 47 259 3 34 173 5 39 205
South Ayrshire 7 44 262 3 26 201 4 39 221
Greater Glasgow 21 307 2,170 9 222 1,520 16 251 1,660
Glasgow City 18 264 1,870 7 187 1,310 13 214 1,418
East Dunbartonshire 2 24 172 0 23 113 2 19 136
East Renfrewshire 2 19 129 2 12 97 1 18 106
Lothians & Scottish Borders 28 211 1,296 16 150 1,026 17 175 1,102
West Lothian 9 64 463 5 49 380 4 56 403
Midlothian 3 36 226 2 21 214 2 27 202
East Lothian 4 31 208 0 22 169 2 25 179
Scottish Borders 12 80 399 9 58 263 9 68 318
Edinburgh 9 177 1,403 13 176 1,164 9 155 1,200
Highlands & Islands 29 148 754 16 83 524 23 101 618
Highland 25 124 634 11 70 455 21 85 524
Orkney Islands 1 6 35 4 3 16 1 4 24
Shetland Islands 2 6 38 0 5 27 0 4 30
Eilean Siar 2 11 47 1 5 26 1 7 40
Fife 15 134 663 6 91 421 10 91 518
Renfrewshire & Inverclyde 9 94 634 8 69 473 7 79 498
Inverclyde 1 31 194 0 23 136 1 25 159
Renfrewshire 8 63 441 8 46 337 5 54 339
Lanarkshire 25 197 1463 13 130 966 20 160 1143
North Lanarkshire 11 95 742 4 67 512 8 75 594
South Lanarkshire 15 102 721 9 63 454 12 85 549
Scotland 268 2,226 13,026 156 1,717 9,673 192 1,869 10,732


Note: Latest year is provisional, see paragraph 9.1

Table 11: Casualties by police force division, council and severity, 04-08, 08-12 averages and 2012
2004-08 average 2012 (provisional) 2008-2012 average (provisional)
Police division
Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All
Aberdeen City 6 82 496 8 107 440 6 99 470
Aberdeenshire & Moray 41 206 1,053 16 247 850 24 249 990
Aberdeenshire 33 166 824 14 203 684 20 211 789
Moray 7 41 230 2 44 166 4 38 200
Tayside 30 278 1,291 19 180 918 25 205 1,040
Dundee City 3 65 351 2 47 263 4 53 295
Angus 12 83 401 5 45 263 7 56 294
Perth & Kinross 15 131 539 12 88 392 14 97 450
Argyll & West Dunbartonshire 16 121 698 7 82 463 11 97 554
Argyll & Bute 12 87 427 4 63 297 8 74 367
West Dunbartonshire 4 34 271 3 19 166 2 23 187
Forth Valley 15 168 911 14 138 731 11 132 773
Clackmannanshire 2 20 117 0 19 113 2 17 100
Stirling 7 82 392 4 55 278 5 60 319
Falkirk 5 66 401 10 64 340 4 55 354
Dumfries & Galloway 14 127 621 6 83 426 8 92 479
Ayrshire 22 173 1,078 9 108 772 14 135 842
North Ayrshire 6 64 387 2 36 259 4 43 277
East Ayrshire 8 56 338 3 43 234 5 48 270
South Ayrshire 8 53 353 4 29 279 5 44 295
Greater Glasgow 21 331 2,718 9 227 1,900 16 264 2,065
Glasgow City 18 281 2,332 7 189 1,636 13 224 1,759
East Dunbartonshire 2 26 222 0 26 143 2 21 174
East Renfrewshire 2 24 165 2 12 121 2 19 131
Lothians & Scottish Borders 29 250 1,780 19 172 1,413 20 203 1,491
West Lothian 9 78 659 5 58 518 5 64 555
Midlothian 3 41 297 4 22 307 3 29 273
East Lothian 4 36 267 0 23 218 3 29 229
Scottish Borders 12 95 557 10 69 370 9 80 434
Edinburgh 9 188 1,673 13 189 1,373 9 162 1,415
Highlands & Islands 33 189 1,111 20 109 797 27 125 915
Highland 28 160 942 14 90 696 25 106 779
Orkney Islands 1 7 47 5 5 24 1 5 33
Shetland Islands 2 8 51 0 6 37 0 5 47
Eilean Siar 2 14 71 1 8 40 1 9 56
Fife 18 159 872 7 100 549 10 108 674
Renfrewshire & Inverclyde 9 106 823 8 72 601 7 86 641
Inverclyde 2 36 256 0 26 170 1 28 205
Renfrewshire 8 70 567 8 46 431 6 58 436
Lanarkshire 27 228 1,972 15 145 1,342 22 176 1,518
North Lanarkshire 12 107 1,012 6 73 702 8 80 789
South Lanarkshire 16 121 960 9 72 640 13 96 729
Scotland 292 2,605 17,097 170 1,959 12,575 210 2134 13,865


Note: Latest year is provisional, see paragraph 9.1

Table 11a Accidents by former police force area and severity, 2004-08, 2008-12 averages and 2012
Police force 2004-08 average 2012 (provisional) 2008-2012 average (provisional)
Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All
Northern 29 148 754 16 83 524 23 101 618
Grampian 41 238 1,206 23 296 1,030 27 292 1,174
Tayside 28 234 986 17 156 741 24 178 814
Fife 15 134 663 6 91 421 10 91 518
Lothian & Borders 37 388 2,698 29 326 2,190 26 330 2,302
Central 14 140 679 14 123 567 10 116 593
Strathclyde 91 839 5,586 45 576 3,882 65 685 4,352
Dumfries & Galloway 12 106 455 6 66 318 7 78 361
Scotland 268 2,226 13,026 156 1,717 9,673 192 1,869 10,733


Table 11b Casualties by former police force area and severity, 2004-08, 2008-12 averages and 2012
Police force 2004-08 average 2012 (provisional) 2008-2012 average (provisional)
Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All Fatal Serious All
Northern 33 189 1,111 20 109 797 27 125 915
Grampian 46 288 1,550 24 354 1,290 30 348 1,460
Tayside 30 278 1,291 19 180 918 25 205 1,040
Fife 18 159 872 7 100 549 10 108 674
Lothian & Borders 38 437 3,453 32 361 2,786 29 365 2,906
Central 15 168 911 14 138 731 11 132 773
Strathclyde 97 958 7,288 48 634 5,078 70 759 5,619
Dumfries & Galloway 14 127 621 6 83 426 8 92 479
Scotland 292 2,605 17,097 170 1,959 12,575 210 2,134 13,866


Table 12 Casualties by gender, severity and age, 2003 - 2012
All severities
Male Killed Serious Under 5 5-11 12-15 16-22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 and over Total 1 Child 0-15 Adult 16+
2003 231 1,918 192 735 552 2,145 1,344 2,091 1,523 980 578 489 10,657 1,479 9,150
2004 225 1,807 191 667 539 2,038 1,392 2,070 1,519 976 571 480 10,473 1,397 9,046
2005 209 1,745 157 603 496 2,165 1,364 1,892 1,578 932 523 480 10,204 1,256 8,934
2006 244 1,672 152 557 451 2,099 1,378 1,662 1,511 946 505 447 9,723 1,160 8,548
2007 207 1,631 130 500 427 2,041 1,300 1,556 1,475 879 521 458 9,302 1,057 8,230
2008 191 1,684 127 449 407 1,869 1,256 1,486 1,424 866 477 469 8,843 983 7,847
2009 162 1,486 105 399 302 1,845 1,197 1,412 1,398 821 511 444 8,450 806 7,628
2010 146 1,275 109 375 336 1,459 1,050 1,275 1,272 817 461 377 7,541 820 6,711
2011 139 1,217 122 364 272 1,275 974 1,201 1,315 854 514 404 7,302 758 6,537
2012 123 1,291 93 313 243 1,307 1,016 1,131 1,228 918 442 444 7,138 649 6,486
All severities
Female Killed Serious Under 5 5-11 12-15 16-22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 and over Total 1 Child 0-15 Adult 16+
2003 105 1,039 126 452 422 1,321 1,019 1,502 1,137 828 565 693 8,086 1,000 7,065
2004 83 958 116 450 430 1,424 1,009 1,460 1,078 835 535 667 8,016 996 7,008
2005 77 919 113 375 418 1,375 931 1,295 1,112 820 542 670 7,658 906 6,745
2006 70 962 108 345 404 1,460 908 1,257 1,123 781 519 619 7,532 857 6,667
2007 74 753 96 328 332 1,377 931 1,074 953 760 482 579 6,917 756 6,156
2008 79 890 106 304 295 1,305 920 1,032 1,028 691 476 577 6,738 705 6,029
2009 54 802 96 283 288 1,240 901 1,013 992 718 486 556 6,588 667 5,906
2010 62 693 61 256 240 1,032 835 916 913 635 416 478 5,787 557 5,225
2011 46 659 82 226 249 967 713 872 828 599 423 500 5,469 557 4,902
2012 47 667 84 225 199 967 774 774 831 644 416 516 5,431 508 4,922
All severities
Total Killed Serious Under 5 5-11 12-15 16-22 23-29 30-39 40-49 50-59 60-69 70 and over Total 1 Child 0-15 Adult 16+
2003 336 2,957 318 1,188 974 3,467 2,364 3,594 2,660 1,808 1,143 1,187 18,756 2,480 16,223
2004 308 2,766 307 1,119 969 3,463 2,402 3,530 2,597 1,811 1,107 1,151 18,502 2,395 16,061
2005 286 2,666 280 978 914 3,540 2,296 3,187 2,691 1,752 1,065 1,153 17,885 2,172 15,684
2006 314 2,635 265 902 855 3,559 2,286 2,919 2,634 1,727 1,024 1,066 17,269 2,022 15,215
2007 281 2,385 229 829 759 3,419 2,232 2,630 2,429 1,639 1,003 1,041 16,239 1,817 14,393
2008 270 2,575 234 753 702 3,174 2,179 2,519 2,452 1,557 953 1,047 15,592 1,689 13,881
2009 216 2,288 201 682 590 3,085 2,098 2,425 2,390 1,539 997 1,000 15,044 1,473 13,534
2010 208 1,969 170 631 576 2,491 1,885 2,191 2,185 1,452 877 855 13,338 1,377 11,936
2011 185 1,877 205 590 521 2,242 1,688 2,073 2,143 1,453 937 904 12,777 1,316 11,440
2012 170 1,959 181 538 442 2,274 1,790 1,905 2,059 1,563 858 960 12,575 1,161 11,409