6. Casualties by Mode of Transport (Table 3)
6. Casualties by Mode of Transport (Table 3)
6.1 Figures on numbers of casualties by mode should be compared with data on mode use, for example as published in the road traffic or personal travel sections of Scottish Transport Statistics (STS). Traffic estimates in table 5.3 of STS show car traffic volumes fell by 2 per cent between 2008 and 2012. Over the same period motorcycle/moped use fell by 8 per cent and cycling volumes increased by 14 per cent. Data for 2013 will be published in August as part of the replacement for the Transport and Travel in Scotland publication.
6.2 In 2013 there were 6,960 car users reported injured in road accidents; three fifths of all casualties (61%: 6,960 out of 11,493) and a 9 per cent fall on 2012. Of these, 89 were killed and 720 seriously injured (an increase of 20% and a decrease of 15% on 2012 respectively). Non built-up roads accounted for more than half of all car user casualties (52%: 3,591 out of 6,960) but a much higher percentage of car user fatalities (84%: 75 out of 89) and those seriously injured (75%: 540 out of 720). Again likely due to higher average speeds on these types of roads.
6.3 There were 1,744 pedestrian casualties recorded in 2013, almost a sixth of all casualties (15%: 1,744 out of 11,493). Two per cent of pedestrian casualties were killed (37 out of 1,744) and 23 per cent seriously injured (402 out of 1,744). 95 per cent of pedestrian casualties occurred on built-up roads (1,659 out of 1,744). 56 per cent of pedestrian casualties on non built-up roads were killed or seriously injured (48 out of 85) compared with 24 per cent on built-up roads (391 out of 1,659).
6.4 Together, all other modes of transport accounted for a quarter (24%) of casualties in 2013 (2,789 out of 11,493), for a slightly higher proportion of those killed (27%: 46 out of 172) and a third of those seriously injured (33%: 545 out of 1,667).
6.5 Motorcycle and Pedal Cycle casualty numbers decreased in 2013 compared to 2012, by 11 per cent and 3 per cent respectively. In 2013, 770 motorcycle casualties were reported, of whom 279 (36% and a decrease of 18% on 2012) suffered serious injuries, 23 died, an increase of two on 2012. There were 882 pedal cyclist casualties recorded in 2013, 148 (17% and a decrease of 12% on 2012) were seriously injured and 13 died (four more than in 2012).There are now more cyclists on the roads which will impact on cycling casualty numbers with numbers increasing by around 24 per cent in the last ten years, as shown by the National Travel Survey and Traffic estimates published in Scottish Transport Statistics.
6.6 A total of 394 bus and coach users were reported injured (a reduction of 11% on 2012), of whom 34 (10 fewer than 2012) were seriously injured, two died.