Scottish Government Statistician Group

Scottish Government Statistician Group

Our Aim

To provide relevant and reliable information, analysis and advice that meet the needs of government, business and the people of Scotland.


1. To produce statistics and analysis relevant to user needs by

  • Developing our understanding of customer requirements to ensure statistics are kept relevant and analysis is well targeted; 
  • Developing the range of statistics and analysis we produce;
  • Where practicable improving timeliness;
  • Providing more statistics disaggregated by age, gender and ethnicity;
  • Developing more data for small areas through the Neighbourhood Statistics project;
  • Contributing to production of comparable statistics across the UK and internationally.

2. To ensure effective use of our statistics by

  • Contributing more directly to policy processes inside and where possible outside government;
  • Improving access to and presentation of data and analysis;
  • Improving the advice provided on statistics.

3. To work effectively with users and providers by

  • Maintaining arrangements to consult and involve users and providers;
  • Involving users and providers in planning developments in outputs and processes;
  • Minimising the burden on data providers through dropping or streamlining collections as appropriate, to ensure the benefits of the information justify the costs of collection.

4. To develop the quality of statistics by

  • Assuring and improving quality as an integral part of data collection and analysis and through regular reviews in line with National Statistics quality strategy;
  • Developing statistical methods, systems and classifications;
  • Working with the rest of the Government Statistical Service to develop joint approaches/solutions where appropriate.

5. To assure the integrity of statistics by

  • Maintaining and promoting integrity through implementation of the National Statistics Code of Practice and related protocols;
  • Safeguarding the confidentiality of data subjects.

6. To ensure the efficient and effective delivery of statistics products and services by

  • Making best use of all sources including administrative sources;
  • Working with other analysts to maximise the contribution of our own and other analysts’ work;
  • Ensuring value for money;
  • Making best use of Information and Communications Technology;
  • Ensuring effective communication within the Statistician Group.

7. To develop our workforce and competences

  • Ensuring recruitment of staff with the necessary skills and potential;
  • Ensuring development of expertise amongst existing staff;
  • Promoting and upholding the standards of the statistics profession.

This is a National Statistics Publication

"This is a National Statistics publication.  It has been produced to high professional standards set out in the National Statistics Code of Practice Protocol

These statistics undergo regular quality assurance reviews to ensure that they meet customer needs.  They are produced free from any political interference."

Details of pre-release access will be provided in the Scottish Government Statistics Website under 'Forthcoming Releases'