Stakeholder Questionnaire

Please use this form to respond to the LTS stakeholder review survey, returning to emailby DATE.

An information sheet is available, setting out the background for this stakeholder review. The draft LTS guidance is available on the Transport Scotland website.

Respondent Information Form

Please note this form must be completed and returned with your response. To find out how we handle your personal data, please see our privacy policy.

Are you responding as an individual or an organisation?



Full name or organisation’s name:

Phone number:




We will share your response internally with other Scottish Government policy teams who may be addressing the issues you discuss. They may wish to contact you again in the future, but we require your permission to do so. Are you content for Scottish Government to contact you again in relation to this consultation exercise?




There is no requirement to answer all questions - please provide responses to as many of the questions as you would like to respond on.

1. Do you consider that the approach / structure of the draft guidance is appropriate and helpful?

2. Do you feel that the LTS guidance achieves the right level of detail?

3. Is there any further information that the guidance could signpost to help local authorities make best use of existing resources as they prepare their LTS? Please provide details of the suggested resources.

4. Do you have any comments on how the draft guidance could be strengthened to support NTS priorities?

a. Reduces inequalities

b. Takes climate action

c. Helps deliver inclusive economic growth

d. Improves our health and wellbeing

5. Other than what the draft guidance sets out on the Regional Transport Strategy (RTS), Local Development Plan (LDP), and Regional Spatial Strategy (RSS), what other local and regional strategies do you think that local authorities should ensure the LTS is aligned with?

6. Do you have any other comments you wish to share on the draft guidance?