Local Context
While a LTS needs to take into account national policies and strategies, it must also be tailored to the unique circumstances of each local authority area. That is why when developing a LTS, consideration of the transport relationship with wider local plans, policies and strategies, such as the Local Development Plan, should be made. Consideration of existing transport-related lower-level plans, policies and strategies (for example a road safety plan which delivery timescale overlaps partially with that of the LTS itself) should also be made to ensure they support the LTS itself.
Local Development Plan
Local Development Plans (LDP), prepared by Planning Authorities, set out the long term vision for where development should and shouldn’t happen and include relevant local policies for the places they cover.
Transport interventions within LDP should have emerged from evidenced-based transport appraisal, such as a Development Planning Transport Appraisal Guidance, which is required where Scottish Government funding, support or approval is needed for changes to the transport system. The need to undertake an evidence-based transport appraisal to inform and influence a plan’s spatial strategy is detailed within NPF4 and further explained in Transport Scotland’s Guidance and within the LDP Regulations and Guidance.
The LDP Regulations and Guidance details that regard must be given to any LTS relating to the area where a Plan is to be prepared. Additionally engagement on the LDP could also be relevant to the LTS which can result in efficiencies.
Land use planning and transport planning go hand in hand to support people’s access to the things they need. It is expected that both the LDP and LTS should promote the 20% car kilometre reduction, 20 minute neighbourhood and local living concepts, ensuring an infrastructure-first approach to planning and promoting the NTS sustainable travel and investment hierarchies. This can be achieved through early engagement and collaborative working utilising and taking cognisance of the Place and Wellbeing Outcomes, and the Place Standard Tool which align to deliver the National Outcomes as detailed in Scotland’s National Performance Framework. Cognisance will need to be taken of the timescales and replacement cycle of LDPs when preparing a LTS, as well as how the LDP and LTS timescales fit into any RTS timescales. The LTS Outcomes (sometimes called Goals or Priorities) have the potential to feed into those of the LDP. Notwithstanding the above, LTS should be reviewed every 10 years but no later than the expiring date of the ongoing NTS and should be reviewed in line with the LDP development cycle, whichever comes first.
Other local plans, policies and strategies
A LTS should consider transport relationship with wider local plans, policies and strategies such as the following:
- Local Outcome Improvement Plan and Locality Plans
- Regional Economic Strategies including City/Growth Deals
- Healthboard strategies and plans including access to healthcare planning
- Air Quality Monitoring Area Action Plans
- Local Transport Strategies – neighbouring authorities
- Open Space Strategies
- Linkage with STPR interventions happening in local areas
- Development control
- Local Child Poverty Action Plans
A set of transport-related “lower-level” plans, policies and strategies should also support the LTS or be aligned to it if they have been published before the LTS. Such documents could cover the following (list non-exhaustive):
- Local Road Safety Framework/Action Plans
- Modal or thematic strategies linked to RTS e.g. Active Travel Strategy Guidance, Parking and Pavement Parking and Loading
- Local Bus services, infrastructure and information
- Rail and access to rail stations
- Traffic management
- EV Charging facilities
- Micro-mobility
- Freight and logistics considerations
- Integration of transport modes
- School transport and travel
- Streetscape and asset management and maintenance
- Local Active Travel Strategy
- Carbon management plans
- Sustainability Plan
- Local Heat and Energy Efficiency Strategies
- Community Plans
- Local Housing Strategies & housing investment plans
- Tourism Strategies and Events Strategies