Appendix Two – Committee Structure and Areas of Engagement

Appendix Two – Committee Structure and Areas of Engagement

figure described below

The graphic above shows MACS key work areas and engagements by work stream. The Planning and Strategy Work stream over-arches the modal work streams, has two work flows and co-ordinates activities and learning to prevent silo working. The diagram contents are also displayed in the text below.

Work stream areas of engagement:

Planning and Strategy
Lead – Linda Bamford

Coordination of Work Plans, Parliamentary Liaison, Committee Champions and Stakeholder Engagement, (Rural, IT and DPOs), Preparing Ministerial Briefings, Annual Report, Rural and MaaS, Emerging and Digital Technology, EHRC and UNCRPD, Four Nations and Officials, COSLA, LAs and RTPs, Liaison with DPOs, DOs and Stakeholders, Committee Development Needs.

Co-leads – David Hunter and Elliot Cooper

Horizon Scanning, Scoping, Enhancing Communications, Analysis of PfG and emerging Scottish Government Strategic Plans (NTS2, STPR2 ICP2 and IIP), ATF Delivery Plan Review, Motability and AVES, Coordinating Consultation Responses, Undertaking Research and Evidence Gathering including data gathering, External Communications (preparing briefings and managing MACS Social Media – Twitter presence, reviewing content of website and making recommendations to Transport Scotland Communication Team)

Bus and Community Transport: Lead – Audrey Birt & Graham Dunn

Bus and Coaches, Demand-Responsive Transport (including MaaS), Community and Rural Transport, Concessionary Fares, Accessible Taxis, Bus Stakeholder Group, Transport to Health and Social Care

Ferries and Aviation: Lead – Hilary Stubbs

Islands Connectivity Plan and Islands Delivery Plan, Scottish Government Ferries Review, Ferries Accessibility Fund and MaaS, New Franchises or Procurements, Air Travel, CAA Performance Measures, Special Assistance

Rail – Simon Watkins

Engagement with ScotRail on Operator of Last Resort, The Williams-Shapps Review (establishment of Great British Railways), major rail station design and improvements, Passenger Assistance (including monitoring the return of disabled people to rail travel), Engagement with ScotRail Equalities Group (SEG)

Roads, Infrastructure and Active Travel – Susan Fulton

Parking and Blue Badge, Roads for all Forum, Road Strategies, Engagements, ORR, Walking, Wheeling, and Cycling (Active Travel), Electric and Autonomous Vehicles and LEZ's.



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