4 The Future
4 The Future
4.1.1 All trust ports are encouraged to analyse their corporate structure and keep it under review, with a view to identifying opportunities to enhance their efficiency and get value from their assets. Ministers continue to recognise the effective mix of ports within the Scottish sector and are not aware of any issues that would require major changes.
4.1.2 Although we do not anticipate that those with a modernised constitution (following MTP in 2000) would need to make further revisions to comply with this guide we would encourage all trust ports particularly the smaller harbours to review their local legislation and constitution to ensure that it remains fit for purpose and does not impose outdated limits on port activities, including borrowings and reserves. Trust ports have been around for many years, centuries in some instances and they should continue to update themselves to meet the needs of modern commercial organisations.
4.1.3 While changes may be time and resource consuming for small ports, some have unfortunately discovered outdated or limited powers only when they needed to use them and we would encourage a regular review of older legislation so that powers held continue to meet the evolving needs of the port for the future. This should apply across the sector irrespective of size so ensure that, what is already a varied and successful group of ports continues to build on its assets and achievements to meet the challenges to come whatever they may be.
4.1.4 Transport Scotland would be happy to meet with any trust port to discuss any plans for review and to offer an informal opinion on any proposals in advance of a formal application. A guide to the Harbour Order process is available on the Transport Scotland website - http://www.transportscotland.gov.uk/water/ports-harbours/order-guide .
4.1.5 Annex E contains contact details which you may find helpful.