1. Section 51 of the Harbours, Docks and Piers Clauses Act 1847 gives ports specific powers to appoint a harbourmaster. Boards must exercise these in a reasonable manner.
2. Commissioners Clauses Act 1847
3. The Statutory Harbour Undertakings (Accounts) Regulations 1983 exempted statutory harbour undertakings where turnover was less that £250,000 from the provisions of the Companies Acts referred to in the Harbours Act. It removed the exemptions, in relation to accounts, granted to small and medium sized companies under sections 5-10 of the Companies Act 1981 from any Statutory Harbour Undertaking preparing reports and accounts in accord with the provisions of Section 42 of the Harbours Act.
4. Board members and stakeholders should be aware that the Financial Reporting Review Panel and the Department for Business, Enterprise and Regulatory Reform have procedures for reviewing and investigating complaints regarding the annual accounts of companies in respect of departures from the accounting requirements of the Companies Acts. If persuaded they can apply to the courts for an order for the preparation of revised compliant accounts.