NSTAB Work Programme 2024-28
Regulation 8 of the 2023 Regulations, requires NSTAB to prepare a Work Programme setting out how we intend to perform our statutory functions, and such other matters relating to NSTAB’s role as we consider appropriate.
This Work Programme is for the period June 2024 – March 2028 covering the period of the remaining current financial year 2024-25 in addition to the “relevant period”, meaning a further three full financial years to end March 2028.
This Work Programme:
- Reflects NSTAB’s Strategic Functions as agreed with the Scottish Ministers;
- Sets out the Work Programme Activities for the period of the programme and what advice NSTAB intends to issue to the Scottish Ministers by when; and
- Demonstrates NSTAB’s relevance in the delivery of the National Transport Strategy 2, Smart Delivery Strategy and Fair Fares Review recommendations.
This Work Programme, and its subsequent amendments, has been shared with the Sponsor Team.
Statutory Function 1
To issue advice and recommendations to the Scottish Ministers in relation to the strategic development of smart ticketing in Scotland.
Based upon the use of Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic and Timely (S.M.A.R.T) Objectives, the Work Programme Activities will be achieved through consultation and engagement, taking in to account the collective views of NSTAB Members and the sectors they represent.
In 2024-25 NSTAB will:
- Benchmark the as-is situation for smart ticketing in Scotland including a review of inclusivity, accessibility and value-for-money.
- Identify and advise on quick wins and support partners in implementing enhancements of smart ticketing.
- Review the requirements and actions included within the Fair Fares Review, Climate Change Action Plan, and the forthcoming refreshed Smart Delivery Strategy, and advise on the implications for strategic development of a smart ticketing system in Scotland.
- Provide a collective response to proposed ticketing study/report commissions, including:
- pre-tender proposals, consultations and calls for evidence;
- draft studies & reports; and
- published reports across the Scottish Government and within the Sector;
In 2025-26 NSTAB will:
- Provide advice on Low, Medium and High level intervention opportunities in smart ticketing, building on the quick wins, to:
- improve accessibility & inclusivity of smart ticketing;
- improve smart ticketing integration & systems affordability; and
- improve smart ticketing delivery.
- Provide advice on opportunities to enhance the smart provision of regional integrated multi-operator and multi-modal ticketing arrangements and schemes (e.g. consistent customer proposition, consistent technology, ABT).
- Continue to provide a collective response to proposed ticketing study/report commissions, including:
- Pre-tender proposals, consultations and calls for evidence;
- Draft studies & reports; and
- Published reports across the Scottish Government and within the Sector;
In 2026/27 NSTAB will:
- Provide advice on legislative, governance and partnership barriers and opportunities to improve multi-modal account based ticketing style smart ticketing, and smart ticketing accessibility and delivery.
- Support the Scottish Government to develop the business case for a new national integrated ticketing system.
- Continue to provide a collective response to proposed study/report commissions, including:
- Pre-tender proposals, consultations and calls for evidence;
- Draft studies & reports; and
- Published reports across the Scottish Government and within the Sector.
The 2027/28 Work Programme for Statutory Function 1 will be provided in the second NSTAB Annual Report.
Statutory Function 2
To advise the Scottish Ministers in relation to their functions insofar as they relate to the national technological standard for smart ticketing.
Based upon the use of S.M.A.R.T Objectives, the Work Programme Activities will be achieved through consultation and engagement, taking in to account of the collective views of NSTAB Members and the sectors they represent.
In 2024-25 NSTAB will:
- Benchmark the as-is situation for smart ticketing in Scotland in relation to technological standards used and compare this with the standards used within the rest of the UK;
- Review international best practice application of technological standards for smart ticketing to identify any transferable lessons;
- Review the smart ticketing technological standard(s) required to deliver the Fair Fares Review, Climate Change Action policy, and the forthcoming refreshed Smart Delivery Strategy actions; and
- Identify opportunities and challenges related to standardising smart ticketing technology, including customer experience, that will help to deliver an integrated multi-modal ABT style smart ticketing system.
In 2025-26 NSTAB will:
- Develop the strategic outline business case for technological standard(s) options, including consideration of:
- A range of cost and scale related interventions; and
- Implementation of the standard(s) within back office solutions to deliver a range of multi-modal integrated ticketing outcomes, including ABT.
In 2026-27 NSTAB will:
- Develop the case for change for the preferred technological standard(s) and advise on the full business case for the standard(s), that will support delivery of an integrated multi-modal ABT style smart ticketing system.
The 2027/28 Work Programme for Statutory Function 2 will be provided in the second NSTAB Annual Report.
Statutory Function 3
To advise the Scottish Ministers in relation to their functions insofar as they relate to smart ticketing arrangements.
Based upon the use of S.M.A.R.T Objectives, the Work Programme Activities will be achieved through consultation and engagement, taking in to account of the collective views of NSTAB Members and the sectors they represent.
In 2025-26 NSTAB will:
- Advise on the introduction of Transport Act measures, including specifically to inform the guidance for sections 41-48 of the 2019 Act.
In 2026-27 NSTAB will:
- Advise on legislative barriers and opportunities for smart ticketing, identifying the extent where legislation would need to be further developed to deliver enhanced smart ticketing through multi-modal integrated ABT arrangements and standards.
The 2027/28 Work Programme for Statutory Function 3 will be provided in the second NSTAB Annual Report.
NSTAB Scope Exemptions
Whilst it is important to define what NSTAB will deliver through the Work Programme, it is equally important to define what is out of scope in terms of NSTAB’s activities.
The primary purpose of NSTAB is to focus on the technology platform(s) and standard(s) generating informed advice to the Scottish Ministers – therefore work not in scope includes:
- Owning the commercial arrangements for products/tickets;
- Owning the governance of products/tickets;
- Responsibility for fare structure reform and changes;
- Responsibility for discount/entitlement policy;
- Delivery of new Schemes and Standards.
Whilst NSTAB is not a delivery vehicle, it has influence and senior board membership from across the industry. NSTAB should therefore seek to drive implementation of identified opportunities.