NG8 Footways, Footpaths and Cycle Tracks
NG8 Footways, Footpaths and Cycle Tracks
NG8.1 There are no Notes for Guidance
NG8.2 Sub-base and Binder Course Reinstatement
NG8.2.1 -NG8.2.3 There are no Notes for Guidance
NG8.2.4 Excavations Adjacent to Roads
The most heavily stressed area of a road is usually the inside wheel track adjacent to the road edge. Depending on ground conditions, it is often necessary to support the road edge by providing lateral restraint within the adjoining footway, footpath, cycle track or verge. The most common form of edge support is a section of unbound or cement bound granular materials. This construction will most commonly be encountered when the horizontal distance, between the edge of the Undertakers' excavation and the edge of the road surface, is less than the expected depth of cover of the Undertakers' apparatus.
NG8.3.1 High Duty and High Amenity Areas
1) In high duty footways, the durability of the wearing surface is of prime importance and simple cosmetic matching of materials may not be adequate. Specific grades of material such as Caithness stone modules, or specific types of construction such as asphalt sand carpet/mastic, may have been laid in order to give an acceptable performance under extreme conditions. In these cases, similar or equivalent grades of materials will need to be reinstated.
2) In high amenity footways, the cosmetic matching of materials at the wearing surface may be of primary importance with durability of secondary importance.
NG8.3.2 Areas Surfaced with Asphalt Concrete
A wide range of surface treatments exist and commonly these are less than 6mm aggregate size. Where available, a similar surface finish will be reinstated. The surface course material may be reinstated using any of the allowed binder course or surface course materials, with a final surface treatment applied as soon as practicable following the laying of the permanent surface course.
NG8.3.3 Other Asphalt Areas
Mastic asphalt is sometimes used as a footway surfacing material for its appearance and durability. Where an Authority has a policy of using this material and reinstating with it then it is reasonable to expect the Undertaker to similarly comply with this. However, the cost of small quantities of mastic asphalt is disproportionate to the size of the reinstatement and can result in significant wastage. Consequently it is not unreasonable for an Undertaker to wish to compile a programme of such works to achieve an efficient utilisation of resources. Therefore an Authority should expect such work to be programmed so that sites requiring mastic asphalt are batched to produce a package of work.
NG8.3.4 Areas Constructed In Concrete
Generally, the use of all flexible permanent reinstatements in overlaid concrete, mastic asphalt, asphalt carpet, sand carpet or other derivative surfaces etc., has proven to be entirely adequate in practice.
NG8.3.5 - NG8.3.7 There are no Notes for Guidance
NG8.4 - NG8.5 There are no Notes for Guidance