Summary and next steps
Summary of feedback received
The Access to Argyll and Bute (A83) engagement activity was held between 2 June and 28 July 2023. During this period, a virtual exhibition room was available online with four in-person public exhibitions, two in Arrochar and two in Lochgilphead to allow people to view information about the preferred route option for the LTS.
In total there were 220 people who attended the public exhibitions which were held from the 12 to the 15 June 2023.
Transport Scotland received a total 89 responses to their request for feedback through an online form, hard copy form, email responses and by phone as detailed in Table 1: Methods used to provide feedback.
Overall, the feedback received was supportive of the preferred route option for the LTS to the challenges at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful, with 69% of all feedback received being positive, 12% negative and 19% neutral.
The most frequently recurring comments included those that expressed agreement with the preferred route option selected for the LTS (52 total comments), followed by the importance to deliver the LTS as soon as possible (28 total comments). Several comments were also made about the existing issues affecting the A83 at the Rest and Be Thankful (16 total comments) and queries about the debris flow shelter and catch pit (14 total comments).
Transport Scotland and AWJV are using the feedback provided by stakeholder and the public to inform ongoing assessment and design work.
Next steps
Emails of acknowledgement were issued to all those who provided feedback, see Appendix G. Further detailed email responses were issued to those whose queries require further information, see Appendix H.
The preferred route option engagement activity marks the conclusion of the DMRB Stage 2 Design. The DMRB Stage 3 Design and Assessment process is now underway.
As Stage 3 progresses, Transport Scotland will continue to engage with key stakeholders and communities affected by the issues at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful. Transport Scotland will be sharing information with community councils and updating stakeholders across Argyll and Bute as the scheme develops through the A83 Story Map. The A83 Story Map also includes a “contact us” section where feedback or questions can be raised at any time. Transport Scotland will continue to provide opportunities for input from members of the public through drop-in sessions and Draft Order exhibitions over this next period.