Views on the preferred route option
The feedback form asked questions to determine respondents’ views on the proposals put forward as part of the engagement activity. All responses have been analysed, with the results presented in this chapter. Percentages have been rounded to the nearest whole number and, as such, the totals may not equal 100.
Responses to free text questions have been coded, following the process described in chapter 2, to identify recurring themes amongst the comments. The most frequently recurring themes are presented in tables within the report, while full frequency tables are included in Appendix F.
The full list of responses received are included in Appendix H.
General sentiment
General sentiment of all responses received was determined by considering whether respondents provided positive, negative or neutral feedback.
As Figure 4 General sentiment of feedback received illustrates, of all feedback received during the preferred route option engagement activity period, overall, 69% was positive, 12% negative and 19% neutral (or undetermined).

Most frequently raised comments and concerns
Table 2 shows the most frequent comments received throughout the engagement period which ran from 2 June to 28 July 2023. A table of all the codes can be found in Appendix F.
Code | No. of comments |
Overall positive feedback (GEN-001) | 61 |
Agree with the preferred route option selected for the LTS (ROP-001) | 52 |
Speed of delivering the LTS is important (PRT-001) | 28 |
Overall neutral feedback (GEN-003) | 17 |
Comments on current issues affecting the A83 Rest and Be Thankful and other contextual issues around the need for improvements (EXS-001) | 16 |
Query or concern about the catch pit or debris flow shelter (DES001) | 2 |
Query about cost of the LTS and other options considered (COS-001) | 14 |
Request to see active travel opportunities included as part of the LTS (ACT-001) | 13 |
Concern or query about the closure of the A83 Rest and Be Thankful during construction (CON-001) | 12 |
A total of 23 comments were received about the exhibition (virtual room and public exhibitions).
Of these 23 comments, nine respondents provided positive feedback about the public exhibitions, and three respondents provided negative feedback about the public exhibitions.
Furthermore, four respondents requested exhibition materials in a different format to that provided in the virtual exhibition room.
Four respondents suggested that further engagement was needed, including engagement in Campbeltown, as the communities there are also impacted by the A83 Rest and Be Thankful.
Three respondents made other comments about the exhibition which can be found in Appendix F.
Project timeline
A total of 32 comments were received about the project timeline. This included 28 comments stressing the importance of delivering the LTS as quickly as possible. Four comments also requested the project timescales to be communicated.
Route options
A total of 84 comments were received about the route options considered for the LTS.
Of these, 52 comments agreed with the preferred route option selected for the LTS (Brown Option). Seven comments suggested that the preferred route option would not solve the issues at the A83 Rest and Be Thankful. Moreover, eight respondents referred to similar structures being used successfully in Europe or elsewhere.
A total of 17 respondents stated that they preferred a different route option than that selected, with 11 of these respondents preferring a viaduct option (although not all respondents specified whether this was the purple option or the yellow option, as both include a viaduct).
Other, less frequently occurring comments were made about the route options, which can be found in Appendix F.
Structure design (debris flow shelter and catch pit)
A total of 33 comments were made about the design of the debris flow shelter and catch pit.
Of these, 14 queries or concerns were raised about the structure, including shelter height and functionality of the catchpit.
Five queries or concerns were raised about maintenance, including how the catch pits would be emptied of debris.
Six positive comments were received about the open columns, light and ventilation; three queries or concerns were raised about the light and ventilation within the debris flow shelter.
Other less frequently occurring comments were made about the structure design, which can be found in Appendix F.
A total of 23 total comments were received about the integration of the LTS into the landscape.
Of these, nine respondents believed that the preferred route option had a positive visual impact on the landscape. Equally, 11 respondents thought the structure had a negative visual impact on the landscape and three respondents provided suggestions for how to further integrate the structure into the landscape, including the debris flow shelter roof.
Other, less frequently occurring comments were made about the structure design, which can be found in Appendix F.
A total of 19 comments were received about construction of the LTS.
Of these 12 comments raised concerns about the impact of closing the A83 at the Rest and Be Thankful to construct the LTS.
Seven comments were made about the MTS, including comments about the importance of the OMR and queries regarding the resilience of the route.
A total of 18 comments were received regarding the cost of the project.
14 of these comments raised queries about the cost of the preferred route option or about the costs for various route options that were considered.
Four comments stated that the project was a waste of time and or money.
Community benefits
A total of six respondents provided suggestions regarding additional benefits to the community. These included improving the parking area, providing additional rest areas, viewpoints, toilets, and café, and upgrading the forestry roads.
Active travel
A total of 14 respondents wanted to see active travel opportunities as part of the LTS.
Existing situation
A total of 16 comments were made referring to current issues with the existing A83 trunk road.
A total of four comments were made which were unrelated to the A83 scheme. This included comments about ferry services and the A82 road scheme.