Common themes from young people
- Ferries play a crucial part in young people’s and their families lives.
- They play a significant part in their decisions whether to continue to live on an island or leave to have a fairer access to services and life experiences. Young people feel they should have equal access as mainland youngsters.
- Cost is important to young people and they are aware of that cost to their parents. The under 22 benefit for bus travel not including ferries is seen as unfair and discriminatory.
- Interconnectivity is vitally important and often is poor leaving young people waiting long periods for connections. Some young people travel weekly or daily for education and often from one island through another to the mainland. Time lost through poor timetables is important to them and their families. There is a fear of getting stranded through service failure and finding safe and affordable accommodation.
- There is a recognition that CalMac employment offers an opportunity for a career and living on islands. A growing ferry service increases that opportunity if advertised and accessible to young islanders.
- Protecting the environment is important and ferries can help. Moving more transport by sea rather than on vulnerable roads.
- There is a perception that the system values freight and tourism more than people although recognition of the need for balance. Would like to see more transparency and honesty in communication.
Would like to see more Islander voices in decision making.