The preference was to work through a comprehensive series of face to face meetings across all islands in the networks served by the CHIFS and NIFS contract. Face to face was judged to be the most effective way of maximising direct contact. This was supplemented by a small number of Teams calls and Telephone conversations. The vast majority of islands were visited in this process at least once.
Most Island visits included several meeting in an attempt to connect with all parts of our communities. Within each island we tried to ensure as many different voices as possible were listened to and feedback captured. Good examples were the interactions with young people and also the drop in sessions for those not attached to groups or sectors.
The primary types of meetings were as follows:
- Traditional public meetings
- Drop in sessions
- Ferry committee meetings
- Community Council Meetings
- Young people through schools and hostel.
- Medical delivery representatives
- Trusts and community Land owners.
- Third sector
- Trade representative meetings. Freight, Tourism, Retail, NFU for animal Transport.
The mix of participants varied from location to location reflecting response and the fact all Islands are different. A list of meetings and groups consulted can be found on the Transport Scotland website.