Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 12 September 2019


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Julie Watson (JW) Transport Scotland
  • Mark Henderson (MH) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail


  • Andrew Mackie (AM) Transport Scotland
  • Dougie Andrews (DA) Transport Scotland
  • Oi Hang Chu (OH) Transport Scotland
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail

1) Review of previous meeting minute/actions

TS and SR content with previous minutes.

2) Franchise Variations and Changes

SA notes that document has been updated and all is information is accurate.

3) Franchise Performance

PPM Benchmarks

AA notes that performance was 88, which resulted in the MAA dropping by 0.09% to 87.5%. AA notes that this remains a concern and challenge for ASR.


AA confirms that this continues to show improvement.

Cancellation Benchmarks

Cancellations were 0.98% in P5. MAA increased by 0.06% which moves back into PIP and remains worse than target.

Performance Remedial Plan

AA confirms that the 5 outstanding commitments are on track for delivery by the agreed date.  

4) Service planning

AA notes that very good information has been provided from SR about Events planned and service improvements

AA thanks SR for efforts during the Solheim Cup.

5) Revenue Collection

No comments.

6) Rolling Stock

Uncovered trains – AA notes there has been a significant decrease in the number of uncovered trains compared to last year.

HSTs – AA notes that Dougie Andrews has regular meetings with Chris Tait and Jeff Doherty

7) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

MH and AA to look into inviting Alan Wardlaw to next meeting.

8) Franchise Obligations Overview

AA notes the CO report process is working well.

9) Communications

No comments.

10) HR

AA notes that Paula Somerville has looked over figures and confirms are they are the same.

AA is aware of the substantive training budget SR have.

11) Correspondence

No comments.

12) Financial Obligations

Delay Repay numbers - AA confirms that figures has increased from other periods. AA understands that this is factual figures.

Complaints per 100,000 journeys - AA notes the drop from period 5 and down on previous period last year. AA confirms notes that this will be a challenge.

13) AOB


Date of next meeting: 12 October 2019

Published Date 24 Oct 2019 Type Mode of transport