Rail Franchise performance meeting minutes - 14 May 2015

Transport Scotland attendees: Gary Bogan (GB), Andrew Mackie (AM), Donald Smith (DS), Paula Somerville (PS)

Scotrail attendees: John McLachlan (JM), Phil Verster (PV), Ian McConnell (IM), Peter O’Connell (PO), Rob Shorthouse (RS), Sam Price (SP)

­­­­­­­­­­­­1) Structure of future Franchise Performance and Franchise Quarterly Performance meetings:

AM is leading on what meetings should take place.. TS and SR are content that going forward these meetings should take place in week four. AM noted that Franchise Performance Quarterly meetings should take place with an Abellio Group representative present, for example, Dominic Booth.

2) Service delivery performance (Schedule 7.1):

Cancellations – The target was 1.6% across all routes. TS is content SR’s performance is well within the threshold.

PPM MAA – This stands at 90.4% which is on target.

Seating capacity – AM noted that the Train Plan includes a list of Relevant Trains and this is the capacity levels to be monitored going forward. The seats in SR’s report include all seats. SR to provide P1 data alongside P2 outputs at next period report.

TS advised that these three performance areas will be formally tracked by TS at this meeting.

3) Service quality performance (Schedule 7.3):

The service quality performance regime is operating on a “Wooden Dollar” basis for the first two Periods.

More than 233,000 penalty points were recorded in Period 1. The main penalty areas included ticket offices, out of date posters, and train toilets which must be fitted with maintenance cards. TS advised SR to bear in mind that the change in methodology from the previous regime would have meant that penalty points would have been closer to 100,000.

SR advised that it is looking at staffing levels. Regarding train cards, SR requires permission from ROSCOs to enable cards to be installed in all its fleet.

AM noted that Alan Wardlaw in TS is the budget holder for the investment fund in relation to reinvestment of SQUIRE monies.

4) Financial obligations and undertakings (Schedule 12):

Finance meetings will take place with Kenny McPhail and Agnes McKeever

5) Provision of Schedule 13 information:

AM noted that ScotRail Fleet availability vs Target table in the Franchise Agreement is subject to review, once tables have been amended by variation. The table should reflect the true position at all times. AM asked if TS and SR can meet to decide how it tracks fleet availability statistics. AP – TS/SR

6) Summary of all Committed Obligations delivered to date:

A large tranche of CO’s have already been delivered. TS has a tool for tracking Committed Obligations and SR asked if it could link up with the tool so that TS and SR are both tracking the same things? AM advised that TS could export reports from its tracker tool for information purposes.

TS advised that it will not call on SR for compliance checks until further into the contract.

7) Progress of Priced Options 2 (Stranraer) and 4 (Dunbar station)

Priced Option 2, Improved services between Stranraer and Glasgow – This was called off yesterday (13 May 2015)

Priced Option 4, Operating Dunbar Station as the Station Facility Owner – This PO was called off in April.

8) Projects

SR advised that linking together and simplifying meetings for infrastructure, projects and trains is being looked at.

The control room for Committed Obligations will also be the control room for projects.

9) Period 1 complaints information

Delay = Repay, feedback on uptake - In Period 1 there were 420 claims made, of which SR compensated 195. SR noted that this is considerably lower compared with its previous Charter complaints.

SR is currently working on modelling for a system which will provide a granular level of information. This should be available around August. In the meantime JM will send TS a breakdown of SR’s complaints.

10) AOB

Future KPI reporting - Journey time metric has been agreed now. Some queries in relation to Practitioners Manual are outstanding and TS will get back to SR early next week on these. AP – TS

Revenue collection performance under Schedule 1.3 - TS is expecting a report from SR for Period 4.

National Events Calendar - SR provided the National Events calendar in advance of Period 1. TS will share relevant forthcoming events with SR and would like to have in place a shared information flow. RS will speak to Danny Chalmers in TS about this. AP - RS

Results of review of Deport Condition Maintenance Programme and Station Condition Maintenance Programme (Period 6) – SR will advise TS when it knows the results. AP - SR

Future attendance of Franchise Performance meetings – JM, SP and PO will attend future meetings from SR. AM, DS and PS will attend from TS.

Minutes relating to the previous franchise are also available.

Published Date 14 May 2015 Type Mode of transport