Rail franchise performance meeting minutes - 28 February 2019


  • Allan Anderson (AA) Transport Scotland
  • Donald Smith (DS) Transport Scotland
  • Kieran McLachlan (KM) Transport Scotland
  • Sarah Aitken (SA) Transport Scotland
  • Dougie Andrews (DA) Transport Scotland
  • Jeff Doherty (JD) ScotRail
  • Nicola Dawson (ND) ScotRail
  • Sam Price (SP) ScotRail


  • Andrew Mackie (AM) Transport Scotland

1) Review of previous meeting Minute / Actions

Both parties confirmed they were content with the previous minute.

2) Franchise Variations and Changes

No comments

3) Franchise Performance

ScotRail PPM for P11 was 88.4%. The Remedial Plan for PPM & Cancellations was submitted on 18/02/19 and is currently being reviewed with Transport Scotland.

PPM Benchmarks – The PPM MAA decreased by 0.02% to 87.44 in P11 and remains above Breach level. Period performance was significantly impacted by Fleet and train crew availability. Infrastructure was 10% better than target during the period.

Capacity – The percentage of seats not provided in period 11 was 0.4% and our MAA is 0.45% which is 0.55% better than target.

Cancellation Benchmarks – The period cancellation figure came in at 1.81% and the MAA is now 1.93%.

4) Service planning

May 19

AA noted the enhancements planned. There are some confirmed and some being reviewed. This will be updated as soon as further details are available.

5) Revenue Collection

DS is pleased to see revenue protection work-streams are in place across different routes. DS requested that SR send over the latest report on Ticketless Travel. ND will have this sent over. DS noted that the revenue protection results are consistent.

AA would like more information to be provided on work ongoing to tackle antisocial behaviour.

AA noted that TS/SR are to meet to review violence and antisocial behaviour on the railway and possible options regarding offenders..

6) Rolling Stock

Schedule 13.2 report - MTIN Performance report

JD noted that MTIN is Miles per technical incident. A technical incident is if it causes delay of 3 min or more. MTIN value is dependent on the miles covered. This means a better value is given the longer the distance the train travels. If millage is low a small number of incidents can give higher MTIN value.

SP will report feedback from remedial plan forum into this meeting.

JD noted that some things effect the PPM and MTIN that are out with SR control such as overhead lines going down. This can sometimes take time to be correctly allocated through the delay attribution system.

For period 11 - 99.9 % of services had 2 members of staff. TS commended ScotRail for this coverage of trains

7) SQUIRE/Service Delivery Performance

AA noted the overall trend is still looking positive for Squire.

8) Franchise Obligations Overview

ScotRail provided CO tracker which is reviewed on a period by period basis.

9) Communications

Smart card campaign – AA noted Riz Wahid walked TS through a presentation. Highlighting SR plan for a new round of marketing which should do better due to Gate line “Error 70” fix.

10) HR

11) Correspondence

No comments

12) AOB

National railcard for 16/17 year olds – DS noted planned September introduction. SP confirmed ScotRail would be participating.

Date of next meeting: Thursday 28th March 2019


Published Date 22 Mar 2019 Type Mode of transport