Rail freight strategy refresh

Transport Scotland is consulting on a range of issues towards the development of a high level strategy on rail freight in Scotland. The consultation paper primarily focusses on the opportunities and actions for growth in new and existing rail freight markets, the four core levers of innovation, facilitation, promotion and investment, and makes clear the positive contribution that the industry makes to Scotland’s economic growth and social wellbeing. It also places an emphasis on the need for the rail freight industry, its partners, customers and the Scottish Government to work together to create the right environment for a sustainable, vibrant future for the industry.

The consultation closes on 22 January 2016. After this an analysis of the responses will be undertaken and a final version of the rail freight strategy, drawing on this analysis, will be published. Transport Scotland will be continuing its stakeholder engagement throughout the consultation period, for further details please contact RailFreightStrategyRefresh@transportscotland.gsi.gov.uk.

Published Date 22 Oct 2015 Type Mode of transport Topic